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Present Day: Monday Morning

(y/n) – 17 | Rosé – 19

Rosé's P.O.V 

I feel around the mahogany table as I circle it, then I pull a chair and sit by myself, my hand still resting on the table.

The wood feels cold against my skin, then again, it always has. I can feel Jisoo moving around in my kitchen, fixing me tea.

I don't let anyone make me tea except for Jisoo and (y/n). Actually, I don't let anyone anywhere near my kitchen other than the two of them. I trust her. After (y/n), she's the next person I trust the most in this world. Oh, and Jimin, too.

"Here you go . . ." she says while placing a steaming cup of tea in front of me. "Your favorite." she adds, and I can feel her warm smile on me.

"Gumawo, Jisoo-ya." I thank while returning her smile, then I slightly lean forward and take in the sweet aroma of the tea, all the while enjoying the hot steam against my face.

"You want biscuits with that?" she asks, her voice warm as always.

"No, it's okay. Tea's enough."

"How about cookies, then? The ones I made yesterday, especially for you?" she tries again, and I decide to give in with a smile this time.

"Sure, I'll have a cookie." I tell her, and I can feel her triumphant grin as she darts back to the kitchen to fetch the cookie jar.

Jisoo is like my best friend slash second sister slash caretaker. She makes me tea whenever she comes over—which is almost everyday, unless they don't let her, that is—and we would occasionally do some fun girly stuff as well, like painting our nails, putting on Korean face masks, and experimenting new hairdos on each other. Even though she isn't obligated to do any of the things she already does, she still makes time for me and comes over to keep me accompanied whenever she's free and (y/n)'s away.

"Here you go," she says while placing a plate of cookies on my left, next to my tea. "I baked them last night, but they didn't let me bring them over saying that it's too late." she explains, while pulling the chair to my left to sit down.

"They can be such drama queens sometimes. Not to mention paranoid." I say, causing Jisoo to crack up in a hearty laughter.

"By the way, thanks for letting me crash last night. The paint smell should be better by now. Speaking of, we should do your place next. The walls are a shade I like to call blindingly depressing white."

"Pick something pretty for me."

"Of course. Also, how long are you going to sit here, smelling your tea?"

"As long as it takes."

"Oh!" She snaps her fingers. "We need to go to the Art Institute. Iris's out of town, right? That means we can go today!"

I force a smile. I'd rather be here and know where (y/n) is than be free to go on outings with Jisoo. She hasn't visited me in two days. But if it means getting out of this place . . . "I've been studying up on modernism. I think I have a lot to say."

"I just wish you could see people's faces when you finish waxing eloquent about the force of anger evident in the brushstrokes and then use your cane to walk away."

"Ah, but if I could see their faces, it wouldn't be funny, now would it?"

She laughs again. "I guess that's true."

"Got any work today?"

"Actually, yeah. I've gotta go sit in on an interview for a new security guard. His name is Sehun. That sounds potentially hot, right?"

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