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Your P.O.V

Everything hurts. It hurts when I breath, it hurts when I move, it hurts all over. Literally everything below my chest area hurts-hurts so much I want to pass out again. I crack my eyes open and—

Oh no. Oh no, oh no, OH NO. I didn't do it! I didn't kill Jin! He's sitting next to me, driving (I let him drive? Why did I let him drive?) and very much alive.

Rosé, please be okay. I'll figure this out and I'll save Rosé and Jin will be safe, too, because now that I remember why I didn't kill him, I also remember that I'm glad I didn't kill him. It was the right choice. I'm not sure how it'll end up being the right choice in the future, just like the North getting me about was the right choice, but I know it's the right choice for now.

I got shot and my wound hurts so bad that my head is spinning and I am currently riding towards Kai in a car with the boy I was supposed to kill but didn't and my entire world is threatening to fall apart and I have to figure things out really fast or we'll all be dead.

"You're awake!" Jin says, looking over at me with surprise in his soft black marble eyes.

"You have pretty eyes, I'm glad you're not dead." I tell him, and his cheeks instantly turn pink.

Awww, what a cutie. I think, then wince. Goodness I'm such a hopeless crazy bitch.

He turns his attention back to the road. "Uh, yeah, me too."

I feel wierd. "I feel fuzzy." I tell him.

He shifts uncomfortably, his eyes still on the road. "I may have overdosed you?"

Excuse me?

"Just a little. I needed to think." He adds sheepishly.

Hmm. He drugged me. That's interesting. I felt safe with him. I still do. Oh God, my instincts are totally cracked from years of misuse. I honestly feel like dying. Maybe my instincts are already on it and are actually trying to get me to kill myself? I mean, they did guide me North, which caused me to get shot. But do I really want to die, though? I dunno. Wonder what it feels like to die? Mainly there are three things that keep all living beings alive: the will to live, a purpose for living, and the fear of death. Therefore, killing myself is definitely not that hard of a decision for me to take or to initiate since I do not have either of those things. Plus, I really wanna find out whether life beyond death, or the afterlife, exists.

Focus, (y/n), FOCUS.

"You drugged me?"

"Yes, and I almost pulled over at three different hospitals. You're bleeding through the bandaging." He states.

I take that as my cue to look down the stomach area of his jumper. Oh yeah, it's all red and damp with blood. "Ruined your shirt. Sorry." I say instead.

"I'll get a new one, but that's not what you should be worrying about right now."

Well, speak of the devil. Am I going to die?

"Why didn't you pull over or call the cops?" I ask, instead. If I'm going to die, I'll just die then. I'm sick of my life as I mentioned earlier, anyway. So, good riddance, I guess. I just hope Rosé won't cry too much. Talking about crying, I wonder if the others would cry? Tae would, without a doubt, and maybe Jimin, too. Jungkook? Nah. Ravi? Probably, out of happiness. In that case, JJ would throw a party. That man absolutely hates me.

I snap out of my thoughts and look at Jin. He's been quiet for a while, knuckles tight on the steering wheel. Or so I think. "Did I zone out or something or did you still not answer my question?"

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐍 | 𝐛𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now