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(y/n) – 16 | Rosé – 18

Your P.O.V

Why does hating the most violent thing I've ever done make me want to be violent?

They took away my computer when they realized I was researching jail time for various crimes. But they didn't have to. I have nowhere to go. Rosé is here.

Rosé told me to get out of her life.

If I really thought she'd be safe here, if I really thought she'd be okay on her own, will I be be able to leave her here and escape at least then?

I don't know.

My closet is dark and warm. I like sitting in it. Although it's kind of bigger than a normal closet, it's not exactly a walk-in type of luxury one. What I usually do is push all the outfits aside and make space. Sometimes I sleep here. I think I'll sleep now.


I startle, smack my head against the wall. Ouch.

"Rosé?" I push open on of the closet doors. She's standing in the middle of my room. She has one hand out, palm up, the way she always comes into a room where she knows I am. She's waiting for my hand.

I hide my horrible hands behind my back. "What?"

She looks scared. Nervous. I stand and rush out of the closet.

"What's wrong? What did you see?"

"I—I didn't see anything. I heard. (y/n), what have they been doing to you? What have they made you do? Tell me. Please tell me." He voice cracks and I'm afraid she'll start crying. She can't cry. I can't let her cry. Because if she cries, I will cry, and I won't. I won't let myself cry.

"Bad things," I whisper. "I'll never tell you.

She holds out both her hands and I trip forward, let her arms wrap around me. "Okay. Okay. You don't have to tell me. It doesn't matter. We're leaving. Today."

"Really? You want to leave?" My heart expands, bursts—hope, there is hope, I have hope for the first time in years. We're going to leave! Rosé wants to leave, so it won't be betraying her, won't be taking her away from hope for her eyes.

"Pack your things," She says. "I've got all my stuff ready. We can probably sell my laptop and braille equipment for a few thousand dollars. Enough to get back to aunt Jiwon's place.
Once we're there, we'll figure out how to get ahold of her. I'll leave a note for Jisoo so she knows why we left and can find us if she wants to leave, too."

My heart sinks. "You packed? When did you decide we should run?"

"Last night. I've been up all night, reading train and bus schedules. Do you have any cash at all? There's a Greyhound station. It's a long walk, but wet can do it. And you can figure out how to sell my laptop, right?"

She sounds so hopeful, so determined. I back away and slump on my unmade bed. "We can't. They already know."

Rosé frowns, shakes her head. "No, we need to leave. We need to get you out of here."

"We should have run last night, the moment you thought of it. It's too late now. They already know what we'll do. CL will be watching. So we can't do it."


"No. Not today."

Rosé's shoulders collapse. She tries to walk over to my bed but trips on a pile of shoes. I haven't been keeping the floor clean. It's dangerous for her. Bad, bad (y/n). I'm simply the worst.

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐍 | 𝐛𝐭𝐬Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ