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Your P.O.V

They're all in plain black suits and are wearing dark shades; they look as if they stepped right out a Men in Black movie. As they close the distance between us, they slow down their pace and begin to approach me with wary eyes and tight smiles. Their smiles are lies.

Most smiles are.

I scan them all, sizing them up, one by one. The last one to my right who is slightly shorter than the rest: his movements are tight, too much muscle mass, won't be quick. But something about his walk tells me he's got a gun in one of his coat pockets, but I'm not sure which.

The one next to him who's hair is dyed reddish-brown: his left leg seems stiffer than his right. No doubt he's got a knife in his left pocket. And if he's got a knife, that means he's quick.

The last one to my left with bleached blonde hair: I'm positive he has a gun in his right coat pocket, which means that he is obviously left-handed. However he is less likely to engage in hand-to-hand because he is psychologically dependant on his weapon.

The guy right next to him with raven black hair: based on the way he's walking, he is definitely unarmed. (That was a mistake, they should all have guns. Either they have never heard of me before, or they are a bunch of complete idiots). But he is lean and his movements are fluid. I have a feeling he's not gonna be easy like the rest.

They stop right in front of me and I still haven't figured out which one of us they are here for. God, I hope none of them are Readers! Seers and Feelers are fine, but Readers can be a pain in the ass at times like this. I know with experience—thanks to dear Ravi.

"That's odd, JJ didn't tell me I would have backup." I say. Their eyes flicker to each other, only for a split second, but it's enough. Clearly they don't know who JJ is. They are not one of us.

"Yes, JJ sent us." The Blondie with the with gun replies. Liar, liar, pants on fire. I think I'll call him Blondie.

"How thoughtful of him!" Yeah, right. If I were not this important to the institute for some unknown reason, he would have already electrocuted me till my eyeballs popped out of their sockets a long time ago. That man hates me with a passion.

As if on cue, I hear Jin's foot steps from behind me. I don't turn around to confirm.

"Anyway, he really needs to warn me before these things. Would have saved me from the trouble of pretending to flirt with Lurpy." I jerk a thumb over my shoulder at Jin, deliberaltey not saying his name. "You guys got it from here?

The man with reddish-brown hair smiles. His teeth wide and white and even. "Yeah of course, we will take Soekjin with us." Bingo. They know who he is.

"What?" Jin says, his voice breaking a little on the word like it's sharp in his throat.

JJ didn't send them, and I am not their target, but by now they probably know I am with him. "He's all yours. As soon as you tell me the password."

"The password?" Shorty asks, and I wish it were only him because he is slow.

I laugh. "Kidding! I always ask them to come up with code words, you know? Cooler. Oh well."

Raven doesn't smile. By far he's the most good looking out of the four guys. And not to mention that he hasn't stopped studying me this whole time, and even though I know they are here for Jin (why you stupid sweet boy, what is it about you?), I know that he wants me just as much now. Even if it is only to figure me out the way I am curious and desperate to figure out Jin.

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