FOUR (Part I)

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(y/n) – 15| Rosé – 17

Your P.O.V

Blood sprays out of Tae's mouth as he falls on to his knees from the impact. I'm about to run to his assistance when Jungkook stops me by extending his arm in front of me. He shakes his head and I stare daggers at him.

"Get up." N orders Tae, his voice eerily clam, but scary, nonetheless.

Get up? The poor kid can barely sit up straight at the moment—he's been beaten into a pulp!

"I said, get. Up." He repeats, seeing that Tae didn't obey him the first time.

Tae shakily gets to his feet, but doesn't look like he can take another blow. He has a cut right above his right eyebrow, his cheek bones are bruised, his lower lip is busted, and I'm pretty sure that his stomach is blue in several places by now. Poor Tae, he's just not made out for this kind of stuff.

"I know you're tired and exhausted, but your opponent is not going to give you a timeout inbetween punches." He points out. True, but this is just too brutal for Tae, it's not his fault combat isn't his thing!

"Hit me once and you're free to go." N offers him.

This isn't going to be easy. In fact, this is almost impossible for someone like Tae. No one can lay as much as a finger on N's body during combat. And that's counting out the number of times his skin comes into contact with his opponent's while he's throwing punches. When it's between N and you, you're the one always to get hit. He's that good. No—he's impossible, just like that. Well, he's our combat training instructor for a reason, and now you know why.

"I can't . . . too tired . . ." Despite all the pain he's currently in, Tae whines. He just wants to pass out right now. I know the feeling, I've been there many times.

"Okay, then." N replies in the same tone.

This is not good. Not. Good.

"Defend my punches." he says.

I knew this was going to be bad!

"What?!" Tae is shocked. Of course he's shocked.

"You heard me." N says.

N, please stop being like this!

"If you're too tired to throw punches, then avoid mine, defend yourself."

I hope it's as easy as it sounds, but we all know it's not.

"B-but I—" Then N throws a punch, Tae loses conscious and falls backwards. I immediately push away Jungkook's arm and dash to catch him before his head hits the ground.

"Taehyung!" I scream as I successfully manage to catch his head on my lap. It hurts when his head crashes onto my thigh and when my knees hit the ground, but I don't mind. Better than a concussion—which he was about to get.

His eyes are barely open, his lips are quivering, I want to kiss them—WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?? WOMAN—CONCENTRATE!!!

"Tae?" I call out his name, my voice all soft with concern, and that's when I feel the presence of someone behind me.

"And what do you think you're doing?" N asks, his voice still as calm as ever. I look straight into his eyes unafraid of the consequences.

"Saved a friend from a mild concussion?"

"Oh, really?" He raises an eyebrow in amusement. "And what are the consequences of interrupting during my classes?"

I don't drop my gaze, I'm not afraid of him. "I'll have to take you on the next day."

"Correct." He says, a smug smile playing on his lips. "See you tomorrow, then. Take Tae to the infirmary." He adds. And just like that, the brutal training session comes to an end with his exit.

I turn back to Tae and gently cup his face. "Taehyung-ah, can you hear me?"

"We need to take him to the infirmary." Jungkook says, dropping into his heels beside me. I wanted to punch him in the face so bad right now.

"We have to take him to the hospital." I say and he sighs.

"You know very well that we can't do that." He reminds me as if I don't know that already. Oh, how I wish I could just set this place on fire . . .

"Help him on to my back, will you? I'll carry him." He offers.

"Fuck you." I swear at him under my breath and storm out of the room, then I lean back in and yell at him. "And don't you dare lay as much as a finger on him!"

He rolls his eyes and plops down beside Tae with his legs crossed. "Whatever." He mutters, but I hear him well (I have good hearing for some reason). And then I storm back out.

I know I can carry Tae on my own, but my handling is quite rough and I don't want to hurt him some more. But I know someone who can help me, and I know that he will help me. I need to find Jimin . . .

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐍 | 𝐛𝐭𝐬Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя