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(y/n) – 16 | Rosé – 18

Your P.O.V

"I'm going back to my room now. I'll keep playing your stupid stocks games or your sick little physical challenges because I don't have anywhere else to go. But if you think for one second I am ever hurting someone for you again, you're wrong. I won't do it. And you can't make me."

I turn and walk past Suzy, thinking CONTROL as loudly as I can at her.

"We'll see," CL says, her soft voice carrying through to the hall. "Remember. It's your choice that did this. You did this."

She's crazy. Like, crazy crazy. And I don't care. I skip down the wide, empty hallway, singing Somi's Birthday at the top of my lungs. I know I'm not free yet, but I feel like I am. This feeling, this huge horrible wrong nagging feeling I've had since I was seven will go away and I'll be able to breath, I'll be able to think, I'll be able to use whatever it is they think I have for myself. I'll use it to make my own path. I'll never do it for anyone else, not ever again.

But the wrong feeling is getting wronger. I feel like the ground has been pulled out from underneath me. My heart races. I can't breathe. Something is wrong.

It's wrong wrong wrong WRONG WRONG WRONG! I need to find Rosé!

I race up the stairs, across the hall, burst through her door. She's there. Rosé's there, in her room, she's okay, what's wrong then?

She's sitting on her bed. He face is blank.

"A-are you okay? Rosé?"

"I saw myself." Her voice is as blank as her face.


"I saw myself. In a vision. At first I thought it was you, but the hair was too long." She lifts a hand to her hair and it hits at her waist. "And the eyes were different. She wasn't as pale as you either, but it looked so much like you. Then I realized. It was me. I finally saw what I look like."

I sit down, still dizzy with panic. "Told you you're beautiful." What is wrong? Nothing is wrong here. Why isn't my body calming down?

She doesn't react. "I was dead."

I can't breath. I can't breath, I CAN'T BREATH. ". . . What?"

"I was dead. There was a hole in my head. A perfect red hole. And my hair, it's lighter than I thought it was, maybe it's the colour Jisoo said she dyed it with, however it was all tangled up in the blood on the floor. There wasn't much blood as you'd think there would be. I was dead. They killed me." She closes her eyes. "I'm going to die."

"How would that happen? How would that even—"

I said no.

I told them no.

I thought I was in control but I was wrong—oh, I was so wrong.

They are always in control.

"What else? Any other details? Any other details at all? Do you know when it happens? Where? Anything at all!" Once again, she doesn't react, so I grab her by her shoulders, shake her. "TELL ME ANYTHING. GIVE ME SOMETHING."

"How can I tell you where it happens? I've never seen the room before. I've never seen any rooms before." She laughs drily. "The only other detail was CL. She was standing next to my body, talking to someone on the phone."

"Did she shoot you?"

"I don't know."

My heart picks up. Races. Don't plan.  Don't plan. Don't plan. "But she was there? In the room?" No reply from Rosé for a few seconds, but then she slowly nods.

"Yes." She mumbles.

And that's all I need.

I run out, into the hall, back down the stairs. I don't plan. I just run. On my way down the corridor, I heavily crash into someone.

"What the—" The person hisses under his breath, but stops midway when he recognizes me as our eyes lock just for a second. "(y/n)?" I pull myself away from him and continue to run. "Hey, wait!" Namjoon yells after me but I keep running.

I slow down my pace as I turn around the corner and storm into the classroom. Suzy is nowhere to be seen but CL is still there. She looks up at me, a single eyebrow raised. "Have you changed your mind then?

I pick up the chair on the ground, still against the wall where I kicked it. I lift it and spin and smash it into CL's head.

She doesn't even have time to look surprised.

I smash it on her again and again and again.

And then I stop and drop the chair and sink to the floor. CL's lifeless eyes stare at me from her bloodied and ruined head.

If CL is dead, she can't be there when Rosé gets shot. That can't happen now.

It won't happen now.

Rosé is safe.

"(Y/N), WHAT IN THE WORLD—" I whip my head in the direction of the voice that I barely manage to hear over the loud buzzing in my head and it stops short, once more. Namjoon stands at the door, towering over me, face pale, eyes wide, jaw hanging. "What have you done . . . ?" Leaning heavily on the wall for support, I scramble to back my feet again. Namjoon walks over, eyes still fixated on the brutally damaged lifeless body on the floor, and stops just a few feet from where I stand.

Rosé is safe. Rosé is safe. Rosé is safe.

I continue to stare at Namjoon, the same set of words still echoing inside my head over and over and over again to the point it's starting to give me a headache. I continue to stare at him as he slowly recovers, his face beginning to tense up. I continue to stare at him as his forehead starts to crease, a responsible look taking over his previously stunned expression as realization dawns on him. I continue to stare at him as he turns to me, his eyes slightly softening at the sight of me. A million questions running through his mind, but he cares to ask only one.

"Are you . . . okay?" He stares directly into my eyes, trying to search for an answer, but receives no reaction from me. He places a hand on my shoulder and tries again. "(y/n), I asked if you were okay?"

I drop my eyes to the floor.

Rosé is safe. Rosé is safe. Rosé is safe. Rosé is safe. Rosé is safe. Rosé is safe.

The next thing I know, he's pulling me into his chest all the while wrapping his long arms around me. He then brings one hand up to the back of my head, crouching over, embracing my height. "It's okay . . . it's okay . . ." He coos into my hair.

But I can only think of one thing.

Rosé is safe. Rosé is safe. Rosé is safe. Rosé is safe. Rosé is safe. Rosé is safe. Rosé is safe. Rosé is safe. Rosé is safe. Rosé is safe. Rosé is safe. Rosé is safe. Rosé is safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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