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Rosé's P.O.V

"What did you give her?" I immediately recognize Jimin's voice, dark and heavy with concern. I've never heard this tone of Jimin. Concerned? Many times. But dark? Never before. "Why is she acting like this?" he demands an explanation.

I tighten my grip on Tae's arm making him stop in his tracks. We're probably just outside the entrance to the common room. "What is it?"

I bring a finger to my lips. "Shhhh."

"That's the thing, I didn't give her anything!" Kai—it's definitely Kai's voice. "I didn't even get a chance to take her to the infirmary yet and I didn't give her any painkillers or any other type of drug for that matter. I know that she doesn't do drugs as well, but I'm starting to have my doubts . . . "

"Starting to have your doubts? She's mother fucking high!" Jimin barks at him.

Painkillers? Overdose? Drugs? High? What's going on?

"Rosé's gonna be here any minute now, don't spill a single world about this." Kai warns Jimin.

"Okay, let's go." I say loosening my grip on Tae.

"Unnieeeeee!" I hear (y/n) squeal in delight as soon as I enter the common room and the heavyness in my heart immediately lifts off at the sound of her voice.

I'm so glad she's okay! But it's she though?

She runs up to me and flings her arms around me pulling me into a hug and then immediately flinches—gasps—and jumps back.

What just happened?

"Iris."  Kai he hisses at her.

"Oops! Sowwy . . . " she giggles, despite whatever state she's in. Wait a minute—she giggled? But (y/n) never giggles! "So, how's my most favorite person in the world?" she asks me as if nothing just happened.

"Iris, are you okay?" I ask her in concern.

My baby sister's hurt, isn't she?

"Oh I'm fiiiiine . . . " she says in a wierd tone that could also pass for a drunk tone.

"Kai, what's wrong with her?" I decide to snap at Kai, instead. After all, it's all his fault.

"Later, Rosé. She's not feeling herself right now. I have to take her to bed."

"Ooh, Kai," (y/n) whispers dramatically. "Not in front of my sister! She hates you."

"See what I mean?" Kai says, as if to prove that he wasn't lying.

"Iris, are you okay?" I try again reaching out for her, but she dances away from my grasp, humming under her breath. Some obnoxious pop song.

"I'm not getting anything form her. She's crazy." I hear Suzy—whom I didn't notice was here before, say. "I'm going back to my room." she walks away past me, muttering about having that song stuck in her head now.

"Baby baby baby, Suzy! Ta-taa!" (y/n) yells after her.

Yep, Jimin was right. She sounds high. In fact, Very high.

(y/n) doesn't take my hand, she never does anymore, but I hear her stomping towards the exit and I follow.

Her steps jerk to a halt. I assume Kai grabbed her. His voice is deliberately calm. "Okay, Iris. You saw her. I don't know why you need to, but you've seen Rosé now, so can we please get you to Dr. Shin?"

"Dr. Shin? Why does she need a doctor?" I ask.

"But I have to tell Rosé all about my great adventure! Unnie—" she leans in so close that I can feel her breath. Nope. She's not drunk. "I got SHOT. It was awesome! How many seventeen-year-olds can say that?"

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐍 | 𝐛𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now