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Your P.O.V

I can't dance anymore. The lights are spinning and the floor is spinning. When did they install a spinning floor? It's amazing! The whole world spins, spins, spins from the balcony where we're sitting. One of my favorite songs are playing and I try to tap the beat on my leg, but I can't find my leg with my finger, and I laugh.

I cock my head to the side and look at Jungkook. He's propped on one elbow, cheek pressed against his palm and his free hand on his lap. His overgrown bangs cover half of his face, and he looks undeniably amused as he continues to stare at me.

I narrow my eyes at him. "What? Why are you staring at me like that?"

"I'm not staring, I'm just looking." He's saying. "You're so beautiful." His cheeks are tinged in a light shade of pink and his eyes are dim. He's drunk, too. He had less than I did, but he's drunk.

I scoot over, earning a surprised expression from him, then I narrow my eyes as I study his face. "Is this the same guy who always used to call me 'fugly' everytime he got a chance?"

He straightens up, smiling. "Which guy do you prefer?" He looks smug.

I tuck one if his stranded overgrown bangs behind his ear, his eyes following my hand all the while. "You." I simply reply. "You're both of them."

"Do you ever wonder why we never got along?" He suddenly asks out of the blue, making me laugh.

I stare into his big doe-like eyes. "I think we got along pretty well by pretending to not get along." His eyes widen at my answer.

"Are you a Reader?" He is dumbfounded and his expression makes me laugh some more.

"You know I'm not psychic like the others." I say. "Just like you." I add. Jungkook doesn't have any abilities of any kind, but they keep him anyway, because he's an ace.

"Now why are you staring at me?" He asks chuckling, and I lean in, closing the gap between us—our faces barely a few inches apart.

"Do you like me, mister Jeon Jung Guk?" I ask, and he freezes. This is the first time I ever used his full name in a sentence. "Would you like to kiss me?" I don't know about him, but I suddenly want to.

Finally, he looks away, dropping his eyes to the floor. "Stop it." He says through gritted teeth. He's mad. He thinks I'm teasing him.

I place my forefinger under his chin and lift his face up. We lock eyes and I stare into his lovely, but sad, big eyes. "I'm not teasing you. You can kiss me if you want to." His lips part in a moment's disbelief, before he shakes it off.

"You're drunk, you don't know what you're saying." He gently removes my hand from under his chin and places it back on my lap. "Kai's on his way. You can go home, soon."

He likes me, he always have, I just know it. And I like him, too. Always have. But he doesn't know it.

"Why do you have to be like this?" I'm pissed and I can't hide it, I don't want to. "F-Y-I, you were the one to push me away first, every single time." I point out.

"Ah, so many regrets . . ." He sighs deeply.

"What kind of regrets?" A familiar voice asks, startling both Jungkook and me.

"Kai!" I exclaim as I jump to my feet, flinging my arms around his neck and look up at him, beaming.

"God, how many drinks did she have?" Kai looks visibly annoyed for some reason.

"What can I say? I lost count." Jungkook states with a poker face. He has crossed his arms over his chest, once again. And just like that, he's back to square one: pretending to be the cold and arrogant guy he always acts out to be, back at the institution.

"Jeez, why are you so grumpy? Look, you even made him grumpy!" I scold Kai while pointing at Jungkook.

"Was it you? Did you buy her drinks?" Kai asks Jungkook, continuing to ignore me.


"Line boy bought me drinks!" I intervene in an attempt to save Jungkook.

"Who the fuck is line boy?" Kai's confused.

"My line boy? He got me in! He offered me a drink and then Jungkook punched him and broke his nose. Poor line boy. He was hot." Wait, where is line boy? I didn't see the guy after I saw him down on the floor after Jungkook showed up.

"You got into a fight?" Kai's now a mixture of anger, surprise, and confusion.

"He tampered with her drink. I handled him. End of story." Jungkook deadpans.

"Where the hell is that bugger now?" Kai is livid.

"Or you could make things less complicated with a simple thank you for finding and looking after your girlfriend." Jungkook slurs.

Kai sighs. "Thank you, you can leave now. I'll take care of her from here."

Jungkook nods, before taking one last glance in my direction, and then he's gone. It was there only for a millisecond—but was it longing I saw in his eyes as he looked into mine? Or am I just imagining things because I'm clearly too drunk?

"Are you okay?" Kai finally asks me, taking my face in his gigantic hands.

I pull them down and lean away. "Oh, now you see me?" I bite back.

"Sorry, he just gets on my nerves." He tells the truth for a difference.

"You're late." I'm still mad at him for sending Jungkook away.

"Sorry, it was the traffic." And he has started lying, once again.

I'm hurt. I walk back to the seats and slump down. "Why pretend to like and care for me when you really don't?" No, seriously, though. Why?

He follows my lead, sitting down next to me, and then he takes my face in his hands again. "You know why I don't want to be with you?" Kai's eyes are as glassy as they were the first time we met.

"Because I'm too young for you? Because you're an evil, manipulative monster and I know it?"

He smiles, and his smile has that edge I know, that sharp edge I recognize. It sings to my own sharp soul. "You knowing makes me want you more. And you aren't young. You haven't been going since you were fourteen."

I smile back. "Fine, then. Because I'm psychotic and I kill people?"

"Nope." He shakes his head, still smiling. "Because my dad wants us together."


"Yeah. He suggested it when we left on the yacht. Wanted you to fall in love with me as another way to tie you to us."

"Wasn't he worried I would kill you in your sleep or something?"

"I don't think he'd actually care."

"Oh, poor Kai." I scoot across the dark velvet of the love seat, scoot right onto Kai's lap, wrap my arms around his neck. "Why do you care if he cares? Your dad is evil." Is it the money? Can he not live without bottomless funds? Or does he actually believe in this shadowy network of power his dad is building? I need to know. I let myself ignore it for so long, but the why is killing me. The why of Kai working for his father. The why of how I can feel like this for him even though he is a part of what did this to me.

He looks at my lips, leans in closer. And I don't want to know the why anymore. I don't care. I'll care again tomorrow, but now? I close my eyes, waiting and wanting his lips on mine.

I so badly need someone's lips on mine. Preferably Jungkook or Kai.


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