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(y/n) – 14| Rosé – 18

Your P.O.V

Rosé wants me to move back into her room.

She doesn't understand. I can't. I can't live with her because I can't tell her, and if I live with her, she'll know, she'll figure it out. She's worried about me.

She has no idea.

I'm a murderer.

That day in the beach. I'm trapped in that day in the beach. I take the small package. It fits in the palm of my hand. I focus on getting it in the woman's bag without being seen. It's easy. I know exactly what to do. No one notices a thing out of place as the gangly teenage girl chases her ball past with a determined look.

No one connects her to the explosion that kills two people three minutes later.

Just like that, I became a murderer.


"Please choose, (y/n)." CL is sitting in front of me, calm and placid. She's always calm—I want to claw her eyes out sometimes.

On the table between us are five boxes wrapped in plain brown paper. Five boxes. Two people. One explosion. Two murderers in this room.

I can't leave now, not ever. I'd get caught. They'd know. They'd know it was me. I can't tell anyone what this school really is because they'd know it was me. I can't tell them what I did.

"Who cares, they're all boxes. Why does it matter which box I choose?"

"We need to test the limits." She says intertwining her hands together in front of her on the table. "Can you make the correct choices on instincts only when you understand what is going on, or can your intuitive senses help you make correct choices even when you have no idea what you are choosing?"

"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around, does anyone give a crap?" I mutter.

"Now, please."

I glare at her. We are murderers together, CL and me. I point to the box on the far left. "I'd take that one."

She smiles. "Very good."

"What's in them?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Of course it doesn't." I lean back in my chair and stare at the ceiling. "Can I be done now?"

"It's interesting." She says, carefully picking up the boxes and stacking them in the corner of the basement room. "I have the hardest time seeing you. Some people are easier than others, of course, but your constant ability to react without thinking makes it very, very hard to see anything in your future."

I wonder if she could still have visions with her eyes clawed out. Rosé loves her. Rosé thinks she's the best thing that ever happened to us. Rosé needs her. They're running tests and diagnostics, and every three months there is another bite of hope for Rosé's sight.

I can't leave anyway because now I am a murderer and they would send me to jail and I can't take care of Rosé if I were in jail. "Did you know we had no idea you existed?" She walks over to the door and taps on it three times. "It's was only Chaeyoung we were interested in. She proved less than exceptional, but you were the real find. At first we thought you were a Reader, or maybe a Feeler, since you knew this school wasn't all it was set up to be. But you've proved far more interesting than any of that."

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