EIGHT (Part I)

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Your P.O.V

I check the four men-all are down. We need to go now. "Come on."

I start walking towards the other end of the alley, but Jin doesn't follow. "What just happened?"

"Please," I say through gritted teeth. "We need to get out of here. One of the guys was calling someone and I don't think I can last if fight anyone else under my current condition."

Jin still hesitates. His eyes keep travelling from me, back to the men, over an over again like he is trying to put together a complicated puzzle.

What the hell? One of them just put a gun on his head and he still cannot decide who is the good guy and who is not over here?

"My god, if it's that hard to decide who your best option is, for crying out loud, that man just put a gun on your head and actually shot me!"

And then his eyes widen with shock and he comes running to catch up with me. He doesn't walk right next to me like before, but rather a few feet away and behind, wary. I don't blame him. I just told him I am an assassin who was sent to kill him and showed him what this girl can do.

"Are you okay?" He suddenly asks sounding genuinely concerned.

I bite my lip. No. I am not okay. But I cannot tell him that, we have to keep going. "I'm fine."

He doesn't buy my response. "You just got shot." He points out. Well, the guy has a point there. It's not like I just fell and got scratched or something. I got shot in the stomach and I am bleeding pretty bad.

"It's okay, I'm fine. I'm used to things like this." I insist.

Well, not exactly. I have been hit; punched; thrown; cut; stabbed; tasered; but never shot. And man, it hurts like hell.

"We need to call the cops." He then suggests.

"No, we can't. You have to be dead, Jin." I wonder if it's okay to call him Jin anymore? I doubt that he would still want to be friends with me after all that.


"I don't know what those guys wanted with you, but the people I work for want you dead. And if you aren't dead, they will keep coming for you. And in the meantime, they will kill the only person I love in the whole world to punish me for not doing what they told me to do. So as far as anyone is concerned, you are dead."

He stops again. Please stop stopping Jin, we don't have time for this! "So you were really going to kill me?" He regards me with a strange sort of analytical intelligence in his face. I am still a puzzle. A violent puzzle.

I want to grab my side-where I got shot, I know I need to stop the bleeding (dammit. One of my favorite hoodies is now ruined. I just can't stop thinking about it), but I also know that it'll hurt so much more if I touch it. "Well, that's what I was ordered to do and was sent here for and chose not to do, which is why we are both in this mess now." I take a deep breath (it hurts, even breathing hurts, I wish I could pass out but I don't have time for that) and look straight up into his eyes. "I work for very, very bad people. And I will do whatever I can to keep you safe from them. I need you to help me keep you alive, okay?"

He looks back at the alley and I can see in the lines of his body that he is still completely torn, although I do not understand why. Then his shoulders slightly angle towards me and I know I have won him over, well at least for now, and now is where I do my best work.

"Okay," he says. "But you'll have to answer me some questions."

Fair enough. "Believe me, I have more than you do. Also, we need a car."

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