Chapter 2

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Wayo Pov

Nate was taping my back to support me and I was really wishing that he didn't recognize me. 

–Okey Class, let's get to know each other better.- Teacher smiled to us. 

–Yes professor.- Squeal the girls. 

–My name is Phana Kongtanin like you already heard.- His smile was really perfect.- It's my first yeas but don't count on discounted fare. The class filed sound of disappointment.

–It will not be so bad.- He promised.- Maybe you have any questions?

–Professor P'Pha are you married?- Asked one of my class mates.

–P'Pha is enough. And to answer your question no I'm not. 

–She's fast.- Nate whispered to my ear.

She have a right, but I couldn't worry now because I was hiding. I didn't want to do that but I couldn't stop myself. I was so embarrassed. I have a crush on my teacher. The worst thing is that I still liked him even if he was our teacher. 

 He was like four or five years older than me, but his still cute. 

 –So P' ,you are single?- She didn't give up.

–That's not you business but yes.- He sigh.- Any other question, but not about my personal life. 

–P', You graduated from this school?- Asks one of boys.

–Yes, I was the moon of Medical faculty.

So his a doctor and a teacher. He is really a impressive person. Smart and good looking.

–So P'Pha your a doctor.- Even I thought that it was weird.

–Not completely, because I change my faculty on second year.- He explained.- But I know the basic. 

–So impressive.- Sighed the girl from earlier.

–And you are?- He asks.

–Kookgai!- She smiled brightly. 

–Nong Kookgai. Yes I see.- He looked at his book. 

I was praying for break and that he didn't notice me. I really need Ming right now, he could give me an advice about what to do.

–Yo'.- Nate whispered to me.


–His looking here.

–Maybe his just looking around.- I mumbled.

–His really a cute. 

–Are you kidding me.- I sighed looking at her.- Maybe ...

–Hmm.- Someone above me murmured. 

I squeeze my eyes for a moment and then turned around. 

–What is so important that you two whispered here?- Asked professor.- Maybe you want to share it with the rest of the class?

–No, P'.- I blushed and bowl to hide my face.- Were sorry.

–Whats your names?- He inquired.

–Nate, P'.- She bowl.- And this is my friend Wayo. - I was grateful to her, that I didn't need to talk to him. Look at him. She was a real friend.

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