Chapter 7

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Wayo Pov

Like I promised I send massage to Beam and asks him out. Ming have a right I need to stop thinking about our teacher and start dating for real. Maybe Beam is someone that helps me to forget about him. The worst part was that I will see him everyday in school.

–You invite Beam to your room?- Nate asks me.

–It's not a big deal.

–It is.- She assured.- You will be alone and there will be bed. He can take advantage of you. 

–You overreacting.- I sighed.- His nice.

–That doesn't mean that he isn't a pervert.

I know that she is worried about me, but some times she was acting like my mother not friend. Sometimes it was nice, especially when she gave me my favorite bread. But now it was bad, she needs to understand that I am dult and I need to make my own mistake. 

–P'Pha is really nice.- She noticed.- I'm sure that if you confess...

–Nate stop please. 

–He isn't that old.

–But he's our teacher.- I explained.- If someone from school knows he could be fired. 

–Talk with him.

–Talk with who?- I flinched when he came closer.- Did somebody teases you? 

I couldn't talk when he was so close to me. I can feel his body next to mine, he's perfume was so good. Addicting. He was so handsome to. Just like a movie star or a famous actor. If I am correct I already considered it. If I could I will already kiss him. 

–Are you feeling not well?- He touched my forehead with his. I panicked.

–N... no I'm fine.- I took a step back. 

 –Wayo have a date after school.- Nate explained. 

For a moment I could swear that his expression was mad, but it immediately disappeared.

–Whose the lucky girl?- He asks.

–Boy. It's a boy.- I swallowed hard.- You meet him in the restaurant that day.

–But today is Your turn to help me with papers. 

Once in a week one of the students are helping teachers to do they work. This was an agreement between our teachers and school council. Thanks to this we were able to gain some points and later add it to our future CV. Of course it was different bonus like schools party and more frequent trips. 

 –I'm sure that this isn't my turn.

–Let me check.- He looked in his notes.-Yes It's you.

–Can I see?

–You don't trust me.- He leaned closer.

–OF course I trust you.

–Good. So be in my office right after the classes. 

He leaves us and go back to his job. I was still feeling him close to me. I need to call to Beam and explained to him everything. I was sure that this wasn't my turn. I need to talk with class president. He have a copy of file that our teachers have. 

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