chapter 17

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Wayo Pov

I was sitting in  his room  while  he  was waiting in  the  living room  for  my  father. 

Tells that  I was nervous was a lie. I was totally nervous. I doesn't  even  know  what  will  my  father  tell  him.

I want  to stay,  but  my father  was just  like me,  a stubborn  moron  some  times. I leaned  on  the  door  trying to hear  something but  it  was impossible. 

The  door  was probably sound  proof.  About  a couple  of  minutes  he  came  inside  and  smiled  weakly to me.  It  wasn't  a good  sign. He  was smiling but  his eyes were sad.

–What did he  say?- I asked.

–Nothing much.

–Why I can't  believe  you.- I sigh.
–You're to  suspicious.- He  leaned  down  and  kissed  my head.- I need  to  go.

–To go where?

–For some  rice.

It  was weird  because  a bag of  rice  was laying on  the  table, with  some  other  ingredients.  Maybe  it  was just  an excuse  for  me. 

Maybe  he  was leaving me  right  here.

I was so scared  that  I run  outside, and  almost  immediately fall  in  to my  father  arms.

I looked  around  noticed  Phana heading to the  end  of  the  street  not  looking back. I felt  tears  running down  my face,  and  the  worst  was that  I couldn't  made  a sound.

I want  to scream.  I want  to call  for  him,  but  I couldn't  only cry. He  left  me.

–We need to go.

–Go where?- I asked, when  we  were  sitting in  side  of  his car.

This time  he  was prepared  and  his guards was standing outside  the  car.  It  was impossible  to  escape.

–To the  airport.- He  noticed.

–I refuse.

–Don't argue  with  me.

–So do not  provoke  me.- I was desperate.- I will  scream.- I warned  him.

–Wayo, don't  act  like  a child.

–I'm not....  I just  don't  want  to..

–I know, but  you're  my  child  and  until  you're  legally adult, I will  be  the  one  who decide  about  you're future.

He  made  me  mad  again.  This is so lame  excuse. How  he  can  decide  about  my  future  only because  he's my  father.

I know  that  he's the  one, who contributed  to  my  exists. But  this can't  be  excuse  to  manipulate  me.  I love  him  very much, but  he  need  to  finally understand, that  I will  not  fulfill  his expectations.

I will  not  marry nice  girl  ,which  is his friend  daughter.  We  will  not  gave  him  his grandchildren.

I'm  gay. I want  to be  with  the  one  that  I love. I want  to  live  with  him. Share  every  happy and  sad  moment. Made  my  own  mistakes.

–Yo.- He rubbed  my  hair. 

Suddenly something hits me. The ugly true.

–What did you  tell  him?- I asked  father.- He  will  never  leave  me  like  this. It  must  be  you  who told  him something, that  made  him  to leave.

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