chapter 22

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Wayo Pov.

I was so mad  at  him.  How  could  he  hide  that  important  matter  to me. I was his boyfriend  after  all. How  could  he transfer. I know  that  our  situation  is hard, but  after  all  we  should  stick  together. I felt  like  if  he  was betraying me in  some  way.  Leaving me  without  a word.

–Wayo.- Knock  on  the  door.

–Go away!

–Yo.- He came  inside.

–I'm still  mad.- I  murmured  from  under  the  covers.

He  lay next  to me. I was mad  but  I let  him  hug me.  After  all  he  was my  boyfriend  and  I really really love  him.

–I would  tell  you.

–When? When you  moved.

–It's not  that  far.- He  assured  me.-  We  could  be  able  to  meet  without  fear. Now  if  anyone  see  us, they could  report  that  to school  office.  They once  did.

–I know. - I agree.

He  had  a right. He  still  was my teacher  after  all.  We  couldn't  date  openly.  I  can't  hold  his hand. Kiss  him. Even hug him.  They could  still  sue  him.

–I love  you.

–I love  you  too.- I sigh.- It  will  be  hard.


–I will  not  be  able  to see  you  every  day.- I noticed.

–We live  together.

Another  day was a mess.  I forgot  about  the  test  and  I'm  sure  that  I failed. Phana will  be  mad. I didn't  finish  one of  my homework.  Teacher  was mad  but  he  let  it  pass just  this one's.

–This test  was a disaster.- Ming wined.- My grades  is begging me  to feed  them  with  knowledge.

–Admit it  already.

–Admit what?

–You're dump.

–Wayo.- He groan.- Help  me  next  time.

He  was really funny sometimes.

–Yeah, I have  problems myself.

–Why?- He asked.

–If he finds out  I have  failed  the  test, I will  be  your  dead  friend.

–Your overreacting.

–Nong Yo', I can  ask  you  for  a word.

Phana appears like  a ghost  from  nowhere. Ming send  me  apologize  smile  and  dashed  to his class. Such  a good friend  right. Good  friend  my  ass. Pha dragged  me  with  him  by my backpack. I'm  in  such  a trouble. 
When  we were  in  empty class he  close  the  door  and  I already was praying for  my  life.

–I saw your test.

–Please spare  me.- I begged  him.
–How could you  get  that  low  score?

–Talking hypothetically I wasn't  really thinking about  answers. That  was true. For  all  things that  happened  in  my  life  , I  wasn't  able  to focus to well  on  studying.

–So what did  you  think  about?


–Wayo, I'm asking you.

–You.- I answer.

–You're to  sweet.

He  leaned  down  and  stole  me  a kiss.

–Phana were  in  school. - I blushed.

–You're to  irresistible.

–So it's my fault?

Such  a player.

–Calm down.- He  hug me.

–I'm going.

I pushed  him  away lightly and  dashed  to my next  class. 

Today really was my  worst  day ever.  When  I run  inside the  class, teacher  already was there.   He  scold  me  and  he  called  me  to answer.

It  didn't  end  well. If  they send  a report  to my  father,  he  for  sure  will  come  here  and  took  me  with  him. I need  to study harder.

–How was it?- Ming asked  on  a break.

–Fuck you, you  left  me  like  a piece  of  meat  to devour  a lion.

–That lion  love's you.

–Right,  but  he's still  a teacher.

–Don't give  up.- He  encourage  me. - Soon  the  better  day's will  come.

–Now you gonna get  it.

He  run  away with  me  on  his tail.  We  passed  the  canteen  and  others  faculty. Some  of  the  girls were  laughing, and guy's were  cheering to  me  or  Ming.

–Give me a break  my  friend!- He  screamed.

–Your ass is mine!

–For someone  that  short  your  kind  of  fast.

–Prepare for  totally destruction!- I  screamed  jumping on  his back.


I heard  a scream, and  not  the  nice  one. I turned  around  to noticed  Phana with  professor  Mae. 

They probably thought  that  I beat  my  friend. I jumped  off  of  him  and  smiled  wildly to them.

–It isn't  what  it  seems.- I assured.

–Really Nong Yo.- Professor  Mae  inquired.

–It's really funny story

–Would you share  with  us?

–Ming.- I whispered.

–You own me  big.- He  whispered  back.- I slapped  his ass.

–Nong Ming!- She  rises her  voice.

–What?- He sounds innocence.- I couldn't  help  myself, he's so sweet  and  small.

–It does not  authorize  such  behaviors.- She  scold  him.-  We  need  to  talk  more  about  it, please  come  with me.

I was smiling when  she  took  him, but  only one  glance  at  my  boyfriend  made  me  realize  that  I will  get  my punishment  in  house. I was right. Phana forced  me  to clean  all  the  rooms,  and  then  he  gave  me  a lesson. He repeat  with  me  almost  the  whole  semester. I was exhausted.

–Talk with  teacher  tomorrow.

–I will. - I  agree  when  he  was massaging my  back.

–You need to be  more  focused  on  your  lessons.

–I know. I will  try.

–Now we need  to test  another  subject.

–Not again.- I wined.

–This will  be  your  favorite.

–I doubt  that.  What  is it?

–Biology.- He  kissed  my neck.

–Your so shameless. - I laughed  while  he  have  me  a small  kisses all  over  my  back.

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