chapter 13

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Wayo Pov

I was still  siting in  the  principal  office  with  aunty, while  he  was calling to my  home  to inform  my  parents that  I was in  trouble.

I  was so nervous and  sad, mostly because  two things. One, it's turned  out  that  they believed  me. Two, that  means that  I cannot  meet  with  Pha  again. I sighed  and  look  at  my  hands. I feel  so miserable  right  now  to be  honest.

I know  that  they can't  throw  me  away so easy,  mostly because  my  father  was their  best  donation  source.  If  I was usual  student  they  probably call  the cobs.  That  was my  advantage.

–Yo.- I turned  around  and  noticed  my  father  with  the  principal.

–Pa.- I smiled  lightly to him.

–Mr Panichjayasawad  please  take  a sit.- Principal  pointed  at  the  chair  next  to me.

My father  gave  me  that look.  The  one  that  he  gave  me  once  when  I broke  his favorite  vase.

–By phone you  mentioned  that  my  son  did  something?- Father  urged  him.

–Yes.- Principal  sighed.- I  think  that  we  have  a big problem.

–I highly doubt  that.- Father  noticed.- My  Yo, isn't  the  troublemaker.  He's kind, smart  and  nice.

–You're right.- Principal  agreed.- It  was surprise  to me  to.  Wayo  is very devoted  student, but  he  already confessed  everything to me.

–Confessed  what?

My father  looked  at  me.  I know  that  he  often  repeated  me  to  never  agree  to anything , before  I'll  call  to him  and he  give  me  some  advise. I'm  so in  trouble  right  now.

–I'm listening.

–He confessed  that  he's gay.

–It's that  the  problem?  I  already know  about  this, and  I never  expected  that  this school  is homophobic.- He  was mad, like  really really mad.

–It's not  the  point.- Principal  defended  himself.-  The  problem  isn't  in  his orientation, but  in  who he  is in love.

–And who is that  person?- Father  asks already tired  in  this conversation.

He  was busy man  and  I know that  he  want's to end  this as soon  as possible.

–He's teacher.  Phana Kongtanin.

Father  looked  at  me  like  he  was asking me  who he  was, but  soon  he  turned  to  principal.

–I don't  reckon  such  a teacher.

–He's new.- Principal  agree.- Everyone  likes  him.

–And that doesn't  gave  you  thoughts that  he  could  be  the  one  that  seduce  my  son.

–It's my  fault!- I interrupted.- I was the  one  that  who persecuted  him.

–Hmm is that so.- Father sighed.- Can  I talk  with  my  son  alone?

–Of course.- Principal  take  aunty and  leave  the  room.

Suddenly the  atmosphere  in  the  room  change's and  I could  almost  taste  the  bad  smell  of  it. I gulped  and  looked at  father.

–Could you  please  explain  everything to  me?


–Wayo.- He urged  me.

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