Chapter 8

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Wayo Pov

I had  a dream.  A  beautiful  and  nice  dream,  about  my teacher  . I've  told  him  that  I like  hi, and  to my shock, he told  me  the  same. It  was really nice  dream. I felt  that  someone  put  something wet  on  my  forehead, and  that wake's me  up.

–Do you feel  better?

–P'Pha!- I scream  looking around.

I was sure  that  this wasn't  any room  inside  our  school.

–You're so cute.

–Mmmm... Where are  we?- I ask.

–This is my  private  apartment.- He  explained.-  When  you  fainted, I took  you  here.

–Took me how?- I have  a bad  feeling.

–I carried  you  like  a princess  in  my arms. I'm  not  sure  why but  all  student's were  looking at  us in  a strange  way.

–I wanna die.- I cowered  my  face.

–No, you can't  die.  At  least  not  right  now.- He  brush  my  hair.-  We  still  didn't  go on  a date. I need  to properly flirt  with  you.

I suddenly realized  that  my  dream  wasn't  a dream.  That  happened  in  real, and  because  of  that  I fainted. Och, no no no.  This isn't  right. His my  teacher,  and  I'm  still  under  age.  They could  throw  him  out  and  take  him  the  right to be  a teacher  in  future.

–Stop exaggerate.- He  taped  my  head.

–We shouldn't  like  each  other.

–I know.

–Your my teacher.- I noticed.

–I know.- How  could  he  took  it  so lightly.

–They could  sue  you.

–I know.- He  nodded  just  like  that  wasn't  a big deal.

–P'Pha! I'm  serious right  now.

–I know that too . Stop  thinking about  this, I will  take  are  of  it  when  times comes.- He  smiled.- Now  think  only about  me  and  where  you  want  to  go on  our  first  date.

He  looked  really excited  when  he  told  me  this. Just  like  a teenager  before  his first  date. I was glad  that  he  was so happy but  that  doesn't  mean  that  my  fears was gone  so easy.  

There  still  was so many unknown  problems and situation  that  we  have  to deal, and  what  about  the  school. Do we  have  to hide  it.

–You see your  doing this again.

–Doing what?- I ask.

–Thinking about  it.- He  sights. - I need  to do this after  all.

–Do what?

–I thought  that  after  our  date  I  will  do it, but  after  all  I lost. Like  usual.- He  sighed.

He  lean  closer  to me  and  kiss me.  It  wasn't  a deep  kiss or  passionate  kiss. It  really was just  a peck  but  to me  it was a big deal. It  was my  first  kiss from  P'Pha, my  first  real  crush. My  love.

–Better?- He  leaned  back.

–Mhm.- I was still  in  a dream  land.

–Good. So maybe  one  more  time?

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