Chapter 6

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Wayo Pov 

When I got to the place I quickly go to my fiend room. When Ming saw me he was really surprised. 

–Yo'? What are you doing here?- He let me in.- Do not even dare to tell me that you stuck my friend. 

–No I was there.

–So what's happened?- He inquired. 

–P'Phana happened. 


He looked at me like in disbelieve. I was sure that he didn't believe in my story. 

–He saw me and Beam.- I explained.- He was acting really weird, and he forced me to go back to dorm.

–Ha! I was right.

–Right in what?- I asked. 

–He likes you.- He smiled and dance his little victory dance.- Our teacher like my best friend.

–No he don't.

–Yes he is.- He show me his tongue.- He was obviously jealous. 

I was really worried about his sanity. He was acting like a freak. OMG will I be like him in future. He is my friend so it's natural that he have a big influence on me. I will become an idiot. My poor mind start to cry. 

–I hate him!- Nate came to the room and scream.- Idiot. Idiot. 

–Who?- We looked at each other.

–That senior. I was trying to be nice, when I meet him again today.- She sigh.- When I go to the main office he was there! You know that I join in to the social club.

–Yes.- I agree. 

–So, it turned out that he will be my guardian senior for this year.- She sit next to me.- He gave me the worst assignment ever. I know that he want to get revenge on me! 

She was really mad. Her face was red and I could swear that the steam is coming from her ears. I didn't ever saw her in this state. Now I know why some of the girls were afraid of her. She was really scary.

–What his name?

–P'Kit.- She whined.- But to me he will be P'Little devil.

–His really that small?- Asked Ming.

–Smaller than me.- She assured. - I could easily smash him.

- If you didn't like him that much, just quit from this club.- Ming noticed.

–What did you say.- He grab him by his ear.- Did I just heard the word on Q.

–Please spare my life.- He whined and she looked at me.

–I didn't say anything.- I covered my ears. 

 I was thinking about a way to escape. Maybe the window will be not that bad idea. I could just broke my legs it wasn't that high. It was better than wait for the bad ending. 

–So. What are you two were doing while I was on my club.- She change the topic.

Now everyone should understand why I was afraid of her. She easily could change from mad to happy. She was really unbalanced and that means that she could be perfect material for a serial killer. 

–I set a blind date for our Yo'.

–You did what! - She scream and hit him in the back of his head.- Why you didn't ask me for advice. You just set him up with some weird guy. 

–This weird guy is my friend.- He sighed.

–So he must be an idiot.- She noticed.- Was he handsome?- She asked me. 

–Yes and really nice.- I blush.

–I'm so excited. When can I meet him?

She jump on me and hug me. I told her about his looks and our talk and she was really excited. I know that she want's my happiness. They both want but I couldn't just forgot about my crush on teacher. I was ashamed of myself. 

–If his so ideal that I cant believe that he is Ming friend.

–Your so mean.- He scold her. - You didn't know the best part.


–When he was with Beam suddenly P'Pha appeared. He made him to go back here.- He smiled.- I think that he was jealous but Yo doesn't believe in this. 

–Jealous for sure.- She agree.- You should confess to him.


–Why Yo'. She gave you a sign that he likes you.- She assured.- It's so clear.

Suddenly my phone starts to ring. I looked at the screen but I didn't recognize that number. I didn't gave my number to everyone so I was in shock. Maybe it was new number of one of my friends from old school. I looked at my friends and I decided to answer. 

–Yes?- I asked.–Wayo it's me Beam.- I looked at Ming.–Beam.- My friend smiled shyly. 

–Yes. Ming send me your phone number.- He explained.- Are you mad?

–Even if I am it's not your fault, but I will deal it with that later.- I pointed at Ming. 

Nate took revenge for me, and hit him really hard in the back of his head. He flinched.

–That's great.- He answer.- You disappeared so quick that I couldn't even get your number.

–I'm sorry for that.

–No need. Your senior explained that you took the urgent phone, and immediately need to go back to school. 

How could P'Phana told him such a lie. I really didn't understand his action. In one moment he was such lovely and in another I wasn't sure how was his feeling. Did he really love me or he only likes me, or worse only care for me like a teach should care for his student. 

 –Yes.- I lie.

–We could meet again if you want.- He suggested.

–I do.- I agree. 

–Great. I will be tomorrow close to your school so we can meet.

–I will finish my class really late.

–So maybe on weekend. 

–That's sounds great.

–Nice, so will be in touch.- He hung up. 

I smiled but in another moment I looked at my friend with deadly look. 

–Ming. Why did you gave my number to a strange guy!- I shouted at him.

–Yes Ming tell us.- Insist Nate.

–He liked you. - He explained.- He isn't stranger to. His my friend and I am sure that you will be grate friends or boyfriends. Yo', his really nice.

–But Yo' likes P'Phana.- She interrupted.

–I know.- He sighed.- But he want's to meet someone new, and I help him in that. Maybe Beam could be a replacement for our teacher.

–How could you say that.- She whined.- Love isn't that simple. You can't replace it like you replace the paint on the wall. 

–But we could try. He could try.- He insist.- You didn't know what Phana really feel. Maybe he is just nice. 


–I will try.- I agree.

Ming was right at least I could try and see what will happened. 

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