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Pov Wayo.

I was still a little back in my thoughts in the plane. Visiting my parents was the best part of it, another was new place and opportunity to explore. Still I was missing Ming and others. I promised them that I will buy something for them.

– Nervous?- My boyfriend ask in the car, that was suppose to drive us to my parents house.

– Nah.

– I am.- He sigh.- Remember to protect me.

– Why?- I ask.

– Because if he cut of my thing, who will xxx you.

– I can take care of my needs.- I notice.

– Really? How?- He ask.- Can I watch?

He was so horny, but no I have the power. We were sleeping today in my father's place, so it means that no funny business. No hugging, sex's, touching, and any other body to body activities. If my Pha would catch us doing it, he would kill he. He might act cool and give funny advice, but at the end he was the real possessive father.

– Yo.-Father hug me.

– Don't hug me so tight.- I whine.

– My babe.- He did not mind my words.

– Hello mr. Panitchayasawad.- Phana greet him with respect.

– Phana.- He sigh.

He took us home. I was glad that I could see our family driver again. He was a nice guy. The rest of workers were new in the main house, but still they seemed nice. I had to admit that some of them, were looking at me and my boyfriend in a weird way.

Yeah two guys holding hands weren't unusual, but still I was smaller, younger, and I had a hint that my father might told them that he's my teacher. The way that the oldest maid look at him, remained me of the way that my principal look at him. As if he was an old pervert.

– How's school?- Pa ask.- I've got a list of your grades. You're so good student.

– Thank you.

– I thought that being with older teacher.- Yeah. He need to add that.- Would benefit you or totally spoil you.

– Dad.- I sigh.

– Phana, how's your work?- He ask him directly.

– Good. I think about change school, move out and marr....

– It's good.- I interrupt him.- Is it me or is it so hot in here.

Just in time I've end his speech. I was sure that he was about to ask my father for permission to marry me. I don't understand. We already talk about it, and I told him that it's too soon, but somehow he was stubborn in this matter.

– You have separate bedrooms.- Father announcement.

– Pa.- I whine.

– Listen young man, no funny business under my roof. - My father was weird. Really , really weird.

– Yeah.- I nod.

– You're using protection right?

– Pa!- I blush.- Can you not ask.

– Why. I'm thinking about your health.- He notice.- If your sexually active you need to think about using protection. Condoms. Washing every part of your lover half regularly, and....

– Stop! Please.

In this moment I was ready to hide myself under the table. How could he embarrassed me like that. Yes, I'm gay but still our servants were women, and I was painfully aware of the fact that they were able to hear him loud and clear. I wanna die.

– Can you stop embarrass me?- I ask my father.

– My son, I'm only thinking about your health.- He notice.- Just to let you know, I did some research.

– OMG.

– Once you did it for the first time, your back entrance might need a check up in some professional medical office.- I didn't except that words from him.- If Phana is generously blessed, I want to notice that if he isn't it's not bad either. The size isn't so important...

– Father!- I scold him, it was probably the first time I saw Pha that pale. - Were using protection so please stop.

– I only want to be cool dad, you know you can ask me about everything.

– I know.

I need to go to my room. I need to close the door. I need to hide under the bed, and stay there for at least three years. It was the most embarrassing moment in my life. The sex's talk with your parents was sick and uncomfortable. Were in a mobile era and it was easy to see everything on the internet.

Most of my friends were able to tell what to do and when, before their parents decide that it was the time for the talk. Seriously why everyone insist to talk about it. As for me it should stay between lovers in the bedroom. About some things you shouldn't talk.

– That was weird.- Pha notice.

After an hour Pa left to check something in the company, but he assure us that he would come and check if Phana was sleeping in other room. Thanks good he didn't start talking again about our sex's life.

– He was worse than my mother.- He sigh.

– What? She gave you the talk?- I ask.

– Yeah, as soon she met you.- He nod.- She bought for us that extra box's of condoms and lotion.

– I wanna die.

– Tell me about it. I was so red when she gave me that , and when she tried to tell me how to prepare you.- Indeed Phana family was similar to mine.

So basically the madness will stay in the family.

– I'm glad that she didn't talk with me.

– Yeah, I forgot to tell you that she want to talk with us.

– I'm not going.

We were playing on the bed, when one of the maid came inside. Just when she enter Pha was holding his hand under my shirt, my pants were undone, and his shirt was creased. For her it must look as if we were about to do something dirty. She squeal and run away, but immediately after she disappeared, the old maid came in with unapproved look.

– It's not what you think it is.- I assure her.

– We were only playing.- Pha confirm.

– Anyway.... Something happened?- I ask.

– Young master, it's time for your bath, and mr. Phana need to go to his room.

– Huh?- Pha sigh.

He look at me as if he was asking, if she really told him that. Now I was sure that Father told them about us the whole story, and she was the one responsible for keeping an eye on us.

My sneaky father. Old but still so smart. I was so death. How could I convince them, that I can't sleep without him next to me.

– It's still early ,and I want to sit with Pha a little longer.- I made puppy eyes to convince her. It was my ultimate power.

– Master told me to send you sleep early.- She was totally ignoring me.

– I'm not a child!

– Young master probably is tired.- She ignore me once again.- Let me call the maid to prepare the pajamas.

– I can do it on my own.- I was back in young age, when servant want to do everything for me.- Pha you can stay.

– Let's rest.- He lean and kiss my cheek.- I'll sneak inside later.- He whisper and left.

Only because of that I let him to leave. I took a long relaxed bath and wear my favorite pajama. One of the maids brought for me a glass of milk. They wanted to put me to sleep. But I was smarter. I decide to read a little and wait for my boyfriend to sneak inside.

After three hours he didn't come, so I decide to go to him. I looked out the corridor, and sneak inside his room. Immediately I understand why he didn't come. He was sleeping. So I join him and cuddle to his side and fall asleep.

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