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There was one ground rule at home no one could break - we were not allowed to have pets. So no matter how much I craved for an Alsatian or a Labrador, I just couldn't have one. My parents had enrolled me in Mount Pine Academy since I was five and life at school had been pretty much simple well except a few once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

"Wake up", my brother shouted from the hallway. Peeping through my eyes, I looked at the clock and jumped up. It was 7:10 and if I didn't rush to my school, I was going to break my 7 year record of reaching school exactly on time.

"Congrats, you made it again at 7:38, just two minutes before the school gates closed.", the amusement in my friend's voice was obvious yet I bowed like an artist does after a remarkably daring feat. I kept my bag on the stairs near the assembly platform and hurried to join my class line with Snigdha. In the assembly, class 10-D spoke on the importance of punctuality in life which earned me a mocking smile from Snigdha which I promptly returned with a punch.

"So", Rohan said, " you brought your chemistry lab apparatus today?"

"Oh no. I am so gone.", I was already pondering on the tenth excuse out of the unlimited excuses collection I had garnered over the years of practical experience when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Chill Tisha", Riya began in her all-is-well tone. I gave her a quick smile before walking into our class and occupying my seat with Snigdha.

"Good morning.", my class sang in a horrible chorus that could have made any logical professor run out but our Maths teacher used to our greeting for the past one year just told us to sit down.

"Attendance.", he called out.

"So, any progress over the holidays?", muttered Snigdha.

"Yeah I reached level 89 in Candy Crush.", I said.

"Ouch.", I groaned as she elbowed me. "What was that for?", I asked.

"You know what I'm asking about.", she said.

I knew she was asking me about the dance classes I had enrolled in and was doing miserably.. "Fine.", I replied. " I progressed to not stomping on anyone's feat at my dancing class." I recalled the terrified faces of the other dancers whenever we had to dance in a group.

"Present.", Snigdha said loudly, shaking me back to reality.

"Present.", she said again, " and your welcome for the hundred and fifteenth time.", she whispered.

Right. This had become an everyday ritual for us. I've actually forgotten to give attendance now since Snigdha has been doing it for quite a while. We have consequitive roll numbers. Even the class-teacher is used to it now. In the beginning I did get a few 'you're hopeless' type glances but now even he has given up any hope of me ever giving my own attendance.

And then we sat through an entire forty minutes session of solving trignometry problems.

"I really don't understand the meaning of this-", I began as we reached the Biology lab for our next class.

"Oh, not again. Shut up, Tisha.", said Snigdha.

"No, really.", I protested. " Look I don't want to be a scientist or a mathematician when I grow up. So I'll have no use whatsoever of knowing what cos 30 is equal to or how to prepare nitric acid using the laboratory method or that centrifugal force is not a real force or that the scientific name of mango is Mangifera indica or that this hibicus over here usually has five sepals ."

Snigdha just rolled her eyes and took the pollen grains for observation. After what seemed like ages, the school bell rang. I really wonder why they can't have a cool One Direction song instead of this stupid, shrieking sharp sound.

I unwillingly opened to page 786 to study the details of the human nervous system as the theory class of biology started.


Author's note-

Hey readers. Welcome to the story of Tisha Dutt who later takes the identity of agent 024 and does some amazingly rocking missions.

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