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"Team assignment in an hour.", Roger said, checking his phone as we were sprawled on the grass of the garden. The sun was setting and the breeze was caressing my face. We all grunted watching the clouds float by.

"It's been three months guys.", Aradhya said.

"Still can't register my head around the fact that I'm training at an undercover Academy.", I laughed and everyone but Irrfan joined in. Things were weird between us since our argument.

"What's the joke?", Aviral said as he ran towards us and lied down next to Roger.

"How'd the date go?", I asked turning towards him.

"How does any date date that involves Aviral Srivastava go?", he smirked and I chuckled.

"How is he the only guy from our group who's dating?", Aradhya chuckled.

"Some of us are waiting for real love.", I said looking at Roger and Aradhya. Anyone who saw them together knew that something was going on between those two and while they were the most confident people you'd come across, confessing their feelings for each other wasn't something on their to-do list.

"Oh yeah? And how's that working for you?", he smiled and I gave him my 'you better shut up right now' face. He knew that things were on and off between Abhay and I. There were moments when we both wanted something to happen and eventually one of us would break out of the hold and we'd pretend nothing had happened. I was trying to avoid these altogether but considering he was the volunteer at most of our sessions, it was difficult to avoid him altogether without making it obvious.

"Love's worth the wait, man.", Irrfan said.

"Not that you'd know. The guy falls in love with someone new every week. I date for at least a month this guy on the other hand is the one you should be focusing on." , Aviral said.

"Really, I had no idea?", Aradhya asked.

"No, I don't fall in love every week. I date when I click with someone and she does too.", Irrfan shrugged.

"And that happens every week?", Roger asked awed.

"Don't look so shocked man.  You've seen me with my dates a couple of times.", Irrfan said.

"Yeah and I assumed they were friends or seniors!", Roger said.

Irrfan looked around hoping for someone to refute Roger but we all shook our heads.

"It makes sense actually. I mean you do have that brooding mysterious aura to you, like I don't care about anyone, I'm too much of a badass to give a damn. People find that attractive.", I said nodding.

"I am not sure whether you just insulted me or was that a compliment?" Irrfan raised his eyebrow.

"It was an observation. People find the fact that you are emotionally unavailable and withdrawn attractive. Gives them quite a bit of a challenge.", I said.

"Oh yeah? And by people you mean?", he smirked.

"Well.", I looked around hoping everyone to laugh at any moment now. He meant it as a joke obviously. He couldn't be insinuating that I liked him.

I looked around and found the team smiling with a knowing look in their eyes.

"You people are impossible.", I said getting up, "Common, time for team assignment.", I said and lifted Aviral up by giving him a hand.

"Alright guys. Here's your task.", Agent Rawat said and a text appeared on the projector.

"You are a part of the security detail of the President for the inauguration of India's first lichen park in Uttarakhand. You've received intelligence that terrorist organizations have orchestrated a plan of assassination of the President. This information can be a fake alarm, can be a ploy to distract you from another attack or this could very much be real. Keep your president alive.", the Agent said and Gaurav walked in.

"He would be the first President in our history to play basketball.", Aviral said and Gaurav smiled.

" Alright guys the inauguration is at 7pm and the task ends when the President is safely inside the Bhawan.", the Agent said.

"The boys hostel.", Gaurav said.

I supresed my laughter.

"Let's keep the President alive, shall we? ", Agent Rawat said leading the way out of the class.

"Wear this.", I said bringing an armor from the weaponry and handing it to Gaurav.

He raised his eyebrow at me.

" You want to stay alive right?", I reasoned.

"No, I'd rather die by paintball.", he laughed.

Realising that I wasn't joking, he took the bullet proof jacket.

" But it's three right now.", he pleaded.

"And? ", I asked.

" The function is at 7! "

"And you could die during that time.", I said, crossing my hands.

"Tisha.", Aviral reasoned.

" Fine till the function keep it with you.", I said.

"And once the function begins, wear it at all times till you're back back at the hostel., Irrfan said getting up.

"I'm taking the lead on this one. No one screws this up.", Irrfan said looking at all of us and we looked at him in surprise. Irrfan was always the answer when we couldn't figure out what to do but he never took leadership and volunteered only when the team was stuck. Out of the tons of tasks we had done, he wanted nothing more than just to get his part done. His sudden enthusiasm took us by surprise. This meant something to him and knowing his history I realized its importance to him.

I nodded, "Sure."

"Roger - you'll tail Gaurav at all time. Tisha - you and I will check out the path Gaurav will take to come to the inauguration and figure all the probable shooting points. Aradhya, get the guests list from the hospitality department and cross check the names for any suspicious activity in the data base. Aviral -"

"Yeah?", Aviral said gearing up for his task.

"Don't screw up.", Irrfan said.

"Don't screw up what? You didn't give me any task!", he said.

"I'll need help with the security detail.", Roger offered and Aviral rook him up on his offer while giving Irrfan the evil eye the whole time.

"Alright, get going on your tasks everyone.", he said and we parted ways.

"And guys?", he said and we all looked at him.

"Under no circumstances, should this mission fail.", Irrfan said.

We all nodded. Whatever this mission was, Irrfan had something very personal linked to it and we all were convinced to do our best to make this mission successful.

Agent 024Where stories live. Discover now