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"Hey.", he said, as I jolted back from the impact.

The punch had knocked me out pretty bad but I had had worse.

I got into my defense stance again as I began circling him.

Abhay remained pivoted on the spot as he turned to face me and said, "Let's go a bit slow?"

"Oh no, not the pity.", I said as I came on the offence and he jolted his upper body to the left to avoid the punch.

When he saw that I wasn't slowing down with the offense, he put up his hands in a defensive stance as he began circling too.

"You want to hurt, make me feel the pain you felt?", he asked, looking at me.

I ignored his words as I went in for the punch.

He deflected it and said, "I was pained, Tisha, I did hurt."

I scoffed as I rained punches on him and he defended each one of them till he was backed against  the ropes.

"You don't believe me?", he asked as he ducked my punch and went behind me so I was cornered against the ropes now.

I laughed a dry sarcastic laugh as I went in for the punch again. It frustrated me that he saw and deciphered each of my moves and I hadn't landed a single punch while he wasn't even trying. This was too easy for him.

I aimed my punches at his stomach but he stopped them with his gloves and backed me to the ropes as took my hands and held them against the ropes.

"Listen to me dammit. I could not be seen with you after the incident. I had to avoid you for both of our sake.", he said, his breathing uneven.

"Excuses.", I said, leaning up against the ropes., facing up as I could feel his breath on my face.

"I didn't want to hurt you, Tisha.", he said, leaning closer. Our bodies were almost touching now. I could feel myself wanting to close the distance between us. But I was not going to repeat my mistakes. 

"Too late for that.", I said, pushing him away and ducking out of his hold.

"Don't make this harder.", he said, as he turned to face me.

I went for the offense again. He stopped my right fist with with his left hand and punched me in the stomach with his right and I landed on the ground.

He extended his hand calling for a truce. I scoffed as I got up and got ready for the sparring.

He tilted his head as I shot away his hand and put my hands up in the defense stance again.

"Really?", he said.

He was right. He was much more experienced at this. I had not even started learning boxing properly and he grew up doing it as a sport.

I looked at his taunting expression and my blood shot up. He had pulled me close only to shoot me down. He had liked me but let me believe that all our moments were my imagination. He had stopped talking to me for months without hearing me out. And I had acted mature about it, covered it all up with a smile. But looking at him right now, all that was torn apart as the flood of emotions came in. I wanted him to hurt, I wanted him to feel the pain he had caused me. Sherlock Holmes shot the wall when he couldn't figure out a problem, I'd rather shoot at the problem itself.

He punched me and this time I wasn't able to see it coming at all and the punch hit me right in the nose and knocked me down face-flat on the ring.

"Shit.", I heard Abhay say as he ran over to me and said, "Tisha!"

He held me as he tried to turn me to face up. I could feel the warm blood starting to trickle down my face. It was sending sharp pain throughout my face.

"Look up. Put your face up.", he said, holding my face up by the chin as he sat me up and balanced me against himself. He sat me against his knee as he removed his shirt and handed it to me.

"Put pressure on the wound. Press against it.", he said, lifting my hand and putting his shirt in it. I pressed it on my nose but it hurt even more now. I immediately put it away.

"You'll lose a lot of blood if you don't.", he chided me as he put the shirt back on my nose.

It was hurting me and I grasped his hand as the pain shot through.

"It's okay.", he said, running circles on my hand as he tried to calm me down.

Finally, when the blood didn't seem to be dripping anymore, he slowly removed the shirt from my nose.

He took one look at my face and his expression immediately changed to one of pity - the one feeling I hated to be on the receiving end of. I could take hate, jealousy heck even hurt but pity was off the table.

"How bad can it be?", I said, dismissing his concern, attempting to get up.

"It is bad Tisha.", he said, as he held my hand tighter.

"I'm sorry.", he said, looking at me and pursing his lips.

"It's okay. I came looking for the fight, can't complain about the punches now.", I chuckled. Another sharp sting of pain shot up my nose as I did.

"Shit.", I said, as I tried grasping the ropes of the ring behind me to bear the pain.

"It'll be okay.", he promised as he removed my hand from the rope and held it.

"Common.", he said, lifting me up from one side and I got up on my feet.

"I'm sorry about your shirt.", I said, as I stood facing him.

"That's the least of my concerns, Tisha. Let's get you cleaned up.", he said.

I slowly walked towards the edge of the ring. Abhay jumped through it and held the ropes apart as I got through.

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