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The foundation ceremony continued. Esteemed guests included the agents that were known only in the Academy. They had played a key role in securing important information for India in wars and also prevented terrorist attacks with such efficiency that the public won't get a whiff of it. It amazed me to see these noble men and women risk their lives at a daily basis expecting no recognition for their work. The only place that even knew of their contribution in as vague terms as were allowed was this 25 acre Academy.

The usual inauguration ceremony happened, followed by a fusion of Kathak and Salsa. How they pulled it off was beyond my understanding. there were 5D presentations and an update on the progress of the Academy and its agents. 

My attention gradually shifted to Gaurav at intervals. He was seated with other participants of the theater team who had to go next for their play. This was a reenactment of the deadly assassination attempt on foreign soil had been prevented by a vigilant agent in the security detail of the President. Gaurav was playing the role of the President in the play and we were part of the security detail. Not that there was any probability of the attack happening on the stage but it was pretty hard saying no to Irrfan once he had his game face on and the head of the theater had finally agreed to let us on the stage.

"We're going next.", Atul, the head of the theater told us and we nodded. We got up and followed Gaurav in to the back stage. The rule was simple - the President had to get to the hostel untouched. Judging by past incidents, the attack could be via paintball, rubber shots - anything non-lethal. And if it touched the President, congratulations, he's fake dead, you've flunked the task and yes public harassment on the stage comes complementary.

The President walked on the dock as the navy stood in attention in the roll of honor. Irrfan and I walked immediately  behind him as he greeted the soldiers. This was a classic replay of the famous assassination attempt. The killer should strike any moment now. We completed the greeting and the play ended.

"Strange.", I said, as we walked into the backstage.

"I don't understand. The assassination attempt happened at the dock.", Irrfan said, shaking his head.

"Hey, guys, not that I regret coming out of there without being shot by a paintball, but I can still be shot on the way right, I'm not at the hostel yet.", Gaurav said.

Irrfan nodded while I chuckled.

"Okay, I'm going to go change and then we can safely go to the hostel and finish this task.", he said backing away.

"Oh no, you're not going alone. We're coming with you.", I said going after him.

"Well, Tisha not that I don't want you to come, it's just that I'm heading towards the male restroom but if you really want to come-", he said hanging the sentence there with a sarcastic smile.

"I'll go.", Irrfan said, giving him the death glare and interrupting him. He walked to the other side, taking Gaurav along.

With nothing left to do, I got out of the auditorium. The guests had begun to leave. I looked at Agent Alfaaza. She had secured key information from the enemy side right from their home staying there as an undercover agent, married to the enemy. She had always been my inspiration as soon as I had landed in the Academy and heard about their stories and realized that politics wasn't as simple as plain diplomacy. These agents worked in the shadows to make the deals go through.

"Eagle to fawk, eagle to fawk.", I heard Irrfan's voice in my comms and immediately a feeling of fear settled in the pit of my stomach.

"Fawk to eagle, what's your message?", I said.

"The flock is lost.", he said.

"Dammit.", I said, kicking the pole in front of me.

"Team, this is Eagle. The flock is lost.", Irrfan repeated, "Gather at gate 2."

"What the hell happened?", I asked as soon as Irrfan got out of the auditorium.

"I don't know.", Irrfan said as the rest of the team came running towards us.

"I was there in the restroom. He went to the cubicle to change. I was watching him - I have no idea where he could have gone!"

"What! Didn't you realize when you couldn't see his feet under the door?", Aviral asked.

"Man he was there feet and everything and the next moment he was gone. I don't know how to explain it in a way that it gets in your head!", Irrfan said.

"Stop it.", Aradhya said getting in between the two fuming men.

"She's right, we're wasting time. He could be getting further away as we speak.", Roger said.

"Right. Roger and Aviral go check the restroom and the the rest of the auditorium. Tisha go east, Irrfan cover the west wing and I'll take the north.", Aradhya said and we all nodded.

"Wait, we can ask for the security tapes, right?", I volunteered.

"Yeah, but it'll take at least an hour to get the authorization and recover the tapes. We don't have that time.", Roger said.

"Wait, we might not have to. Aradhya did you check up on the guest who didn't cross check on the database?'', Irrfan asked.

"Yeah, I did. The guy never arrived.", Aradhya said, "I kept checking up with the hospitality department till the function ended. They said he had sent his RSVP but he didn't show up.", Aradhya said.

The color on Irrfan's face drained. I looked at him as the pieces began to fall in place to form a terrible puzzle

"Wait, the security detail confirmed that each of the guests had arrived. There were 19 guests and all them arrived in time.", I said.

"That's not possible. I checked with both the administration and hospitality - there were 20 guests.", Aradhya nodded.

"Hey guys, you did good.", a couple of seniors in plain clothes came towards us.

"What do you mean?", I asked.

"We were supposed to shoot Gaurav here.", one of them said pointing to his paintball gun, "but he vanished from the restroom. Never came out of there."

"Shit.", Irrfan said taking out his phone and dialed a number.

"Bloody hell.", Roger said.

"I know right, damn good. How did guys know we were going to attack here?", another senior asked.

"We didn't.", I said, putting my face in my hands.

"This is agent X4Z.", Irrfan said and all heads turned to him at once. Only the graduated agents on field missions were allotted a sequence.

"A student has been kidnapped. Send backup to the auditorium now!", Irrfan said.

He looked at me, his face completely white by now. 

"Gaurav is in danger, actual danger.", he told the team.

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