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"Hello coach", I nodded.

"Take a seat, Tisha.", my coach nodded in response to the suspicious glances I was throwing at him.

"Good morning Sir", I said more as a question than a greeting.

"So finally I get the privilege of meeting Tisha Dutt.", USAT's director, Ajay said holding out his hand.

"Pleasure.", I said, shaking it.

"I see, you have met my son, Abhay.", he said.

"I have.", I said. So that was his name. I just realized I didn't know his name all along.

Abhay had conveniently taken his seat and was watching the conversation with an amused look in his eyes.

I raised my eyebrow at him mouthing the word 'what'.

He simply smirked, shaking his head, enjoying his own joke.

"So, I believe you already have many questions to ask.", Ajay said.



"What is USAT?"

"University of Sports and Advanced Technology. It's basically a training ground for the best agents this world has ever known."

"Why have a publicly known University for an academy that trains secret agents?", I asked.

"The university is like any other. Students get several advanced technologies and sports degrees there. Students graduating from USAT hold the top ranks and records in various technological departments and sports events. You will get a USAT degree like the other USAT students the only exception being that you will not actually be staying in USAT. Should you choose to accept admission into USAT's special training program you will be trained in the world's top training agency. I'll be able to give you any more details about it only if you choose to become a part of USAT. But know this saying yes will mean a life of secrecy, your family and friends can't know what missions you're being assigned on, your present social life might become non-existent..."

"Take a moment, Tisha. Calm down and think this over.", Abhay intervened stopping his father in between. He knew Tisha needed some space to think about accepting a part of a life she didn't know existed until up to a day ago."

"Dad, coach, I'm gonna take out for a while if it's okay with you both."

"Go ahead.", his dad said and Abhay led the way out.

"Woah.", I said and took a deep breath. If you're not able to judge the gravity of the situation, let me help you. Imagine yourself having the same dream since ages, having decided your dream college ages ago, your dream degree, your dream career your passion all of it in your imagination, and all at once that dream comes true. That is exactly what was happening with me. I was excited definitely but I was scared too, scared of the completely alien life that lay ahead of me.

"It's normal, you know to react the way you're doing. Although I must say you're taking it a lot more calmy than recruits take it normally."

I looked up at him. He smiled a genuine smile and damn that smile.

"Right.", was the only word I could muster up.  Great, thanks brain, I owe you one.

"It's okay. Talk it out with me. Whatever you're thinking, just say it aloud ."

"I mean it's what I've always wanted. Seeing USAT winning all those competitions, I've wanted to be one of you. But seeing it actually happen in real life, it's just something I haven't been able to cope up with."

"I get it. You need time to think of it. Come on. I'm going to get you some."

"Dad, coach. Tisha has something to say."

"Don't get me wrong. USAT has been a dream for me for as long as I can remember. but I need time to make up my mind."

"Which is justified. You may take your time, Tisha. I'll be back here in two weeks. I'll expect your answer then. Is that okay?", Ajay said.

"Of course sir."

As I turned to walk around, his voice stopped me.

"Tisha, USAT is a secret. Whatever was discussed here today stays here."


As I walked out of the sports room, Abhay accompanied me.

My teachers were fed up of me, to say the least because I won't stop talking but here I was completely silent not able to think up a single topic of conversation.

"So is it a minute of silence we're keeping or something?", he joked.

Man! Here was someone matching my level of lameness. Damn, he was lamer than me.

"Ha ha ha.", I said sarcastically.

"Common, it was funny. Accept it."

"No chance."


"You bet."

"I bet you're going to lose if we race.", he challenged.

"Oh! You didn't just challenge me."

"Why, is the famous Tisha Dutt too scared of me?"

"You wish. The first person across the field wins. You ready?"

"Baby, I was born ready.", he smiled.

"Get set."

"Go.", he said.

And we were off. Man did he sprint good. We had  a PT period today so I wore my tracksuit to school. He was in trackpants, full sleeved shirt and sneakers. So considering clothes, none of us was at a disadvantage.

The field was 200 meters in length so that was precisely our racing distance. He had a lead initially which I tried to cover up. 150 meters and we were at the same level. When you run, your competitors decide your speed. If the others run fast, you push yourself harder and he was the fastest competitor I've ever faced. He won by a clear lead of 5 meters.

"You run fast, Tisha.  USAT was defeated by a sprinter of your caliber, no less.

"You make a good sprinter too..."

"Call me Abhay."


"Common call me Abhay or are you too..."

"Fine Abhay.", I said and he looked up at me and into my eyes as I said his name.

And he smiled. Damn that smile. I lost track of time. But we both came back to reality as we heard a cough behind us.

Oh shit. Did we just share a moment?

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