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Snigdha and I entered our class and took our seats by the window. Whether it is an aeroplane journey or a class lecture, I have taken a liking to the window seat. It simply allows you to appreciate the beauty outside when the interior environment fails to capture your attention.

The class was slowly beginning to fill up. People here hate punctuality, frankly. Sometimes, they will reach class late just because they don't want to be early. All around me, people were drinking water. People all around the world could learn a lot about sharing, from this class. It is because of this very virtue that the thirst of 45 students has been quenched by 5 bottles brought by the same students throughout the year.

It was past 11 and the sunlight showered beautifully on the garden across. A cool breeze was blowing, the clouds were freely floating in the light blue sky... and my history teacher had entered so I put my poetic thoughts on a temporary back hold. What an irony to the beautiful welcoming environment all around me! We greeted our teacher in our not-so-welcoming tone. Honestly, people refuse to accept the fact that recess is over. It practically takes them an entire period to get the dawn of realization.

We opened our books to study the revolutions and movements that led to the independence of India. History is one of the rare subjects I love probably because anything that has a story to offer is immediately welcomed by my heart. History is like a story of not only the worldwide acclaimed leaders but also the common people who left behind an incredible, inspiring tale of their lives through dauntless courage in times of need.

We were to study about the 'Quit India Movement' today. I am quite inspired by the unshakable principles of the 'Father of our nation' . He provided guidance and direction to thousands when his country needed it. Gandhiji said - The hardest fibre must melt in the fire of love. If it does not, it means the fire is not strong enough.

I listened as Daksh read out the chapter. Our teacher explained certain terms in between. The forty minutes seemed to end too soon as the bell rang.

As the teacher went out, half the class hurried out of the class too. We just cannot stay rooted to one place for long. Most of us need a stroll through the school to get ready for another forty minutes.

"Honestly, why do you people have to go out after every period?", asked our class monitor, Akshat as we entered the class.

"Umm to check whether the corridors are still clean or not.", I tried for a reasonable excuse.

"As if the school will face a garbage tragedy in 45 minutes.", he outwitted me.

"Well, we went out to check whether our friends are still safe and sound.", Amiksha joined in.

"And will you tell me exactly how many years ago you last checked on their welfare?", he asked.

"Well, 45 minutes to be precise.", she replied.

"Alright, my turn.", my best friend joined the growing one V/S still counting debate.

"You know, I felt lazy and clumsy so I went out to take a walk."

"Oh, I see. How many hours were you sitting for until you felt the immediate need for an exercise, Snigdha?"

" About a quarter hour."

" You see, I went out to drink water from the taps. The water supply of the class (the five water bottles) has been emptied.", Diksha chirped.

" Are you people done with your lame excuses?", the monitor asked.

"Wait.", Diksha said, " Amir, you have anything to contribute?", as he entered the class and began listening to the crowd that was assembling at the door.

"None. You people might as well sit now. I saw Mr. Bisht on the way.",  Amir said.

"You people are crazy, you know.", Askhat said.

"Form the very start. "

" What's the fun in being sane? "
My classmates defended themselves.

" Alright people. Go back to your seats or you'll make me lose my post."

"Oh, we would never let that happen."

"Yeah, who else can mind the class with such efficiency?"

"Are you people done with the flattery? Get back to your seats quick.", he said, assuming the voice of authority.

We all occupied our seats as our Computer teacher entered. Computers - my favourite period!

There are certain subjects you study because you have to in order to pass. Then there are some you study because you want to. You wait for that class, for it is not just a subject but an adventure for you. For me, computer is that fulfilling subject.

Coding opens a whole new horizon for me. Each new program makes me think a new logic, forces me to think beyond the ordinary.

"Alright class. WAP to check whether a number contains odd or even number of digits.", our teacher announced.

We grabbed our pens and quickly started with the mandatory syntax. Since we use java, we started with import java. io. *

I racked my brain. This was different from all the programs we had ever done. This was the way our teacher taught. He made us think up the logic to the question ourselves and then he started explaining to us the basics we had unconsciously used.

I was tapping the tip of my ball pen again and again making it open and close while thinking of a solution.

I worked out a rough output for even and then to check for odd. I held out my notebook to my teacher for him to examine.
I waited anxiously as he examined each statement. With 25 years of experience, he has the exceptional ability to point out every mistake with just a glance.

"Correct. Write it on the board.", he said.
I beamed as I picked up a chalk and started writing the code. I totally love this period.

WAP stands for write a program.

Quit India Movement started on 8 August, 1942 by Mahatma Gandhi during World War II demanding an end to the foreign rule in India.

Happy reading :)

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