68 11 7

"Hey everyone", we greeted our group as we reached them.

Snigdha, Rahul, Samir, Mimansa, Kartik, Anushka and I have been friends since we all met each other for the first time when we came in the same class.

"Heard someone tried to burn the chemistry lab today?", Rahul started the topic.

"Yeah, I'm sure I heard the fire brigade", Mimansa joined in.

We never stopped teasing each other. Our break wasn't over till each had cracked a joke. Any news related to any of our group members spread like wild fire. So we never had to dig much to find fuel for our jokes.

We all laughed aloud.

"Really? I just burnt a filter paper.", I managed to say between my laughs.

"And my cover", Snigdha was quick to remind me but as I looked at her I saw the familiar teasing look in her eyes.

"So, that wasn't an emergency signal your class set up? I was coming with Samir and Mimansa to save your class.", said Anushka.

"Naah, not this time.", I said,

"Well, better luck next time.", Kartik said.

"So, who all are up for a movie this weekend?", Samir asked.

"Count me in.", Mimansa was the first to say. She's the movie geek of our group. She does the searching for the latest movies and the good cinemas. Rest of us consider it great work to manage to come along and reach on time.

We all finally agreed to meet up at my house and go to a new cinema that had opened up near our school. Everyone except Anushka.

"Three, two, one point five, one point two-five and here we go", said Tisha as Anushka began, "Well, I don't know".

"And here comes the much expected surprise.", Samir said.

"What if I don't like the movie? I'll not waste 300 rupees for nothing.", Anushka defended.

"Ahem, ahem. Is it the movie critic in me that's in question here?", Mimansa put up fake hurt.

Anushka looked up at her with a serious expression on her face and said – Yes.

We all burst out laughing.

"Like seriously guys?", Mimansa began.

"Yeah people. We all know Mimansa usually shows us great movies except for those times when she decides watching a Russian movie without any translations would be the best idea...", Kartik was cut off as Mimansa shouted "That happened ONE single time, Kartik Dwedi. What about the tens and hundreds of other movies I've shown you?"

"Guys, I am siding with Mimansa on this one. Common Anushka.", I said.

"She's the one talking the most about the movie once we've seen it.", Samir said.

"Guys wait, you're spoiling the fun. Let her explain the 115th excuse you can use to back out of a movie. She's really creative.", Rahul said.

"I wish my excuses would work with Mr. Sharma. I would have escaped 11 notes I got for not completing my chemistry homework. Fine, I'll come.", Anushka said.

"Yeah.", Rahul said, pumping his fist in the air.

"Alright. It's decided then. Let's meet at Tisha's house at two-thirty this Sunday." Tisha said.

"Alright.", everyone else said.

The bell rang making us all get up and walk towards our classes.

"Oh no! Maths class test now.", Rahul muttered. 

"They don't like to see children being happy. Honestly, aren't they satisfied with four tests a year?", Kartik replied.

"Common, you just have two chapters coming in this test.", Anushka said.

"And have you seen the size of those chapters? 500 questions in a single chapter. Really, what's the use of learning log?", Samir said."

"Hear, hear. You and Tisha are planning to start a revolution someday, aren't you?", Tisha sked.

"Yeah, we're doing so after school today.", Samir joked.

"Can't. Have my sports practices.", I said.

"Look at her. No concern for the greater good.", Samir replied.

"Hey, what are you talking about? I am going to save the world from evil in a few years.", I declared in a solemn tone.

We all laughed and parted ways to enter our respective classes. Little did I know that this statement was going to become my reality in the near future.


Happy reading readers. Hope you like the chapter as I had great fun writing it.

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