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"Finally we get to some kick-ass work.", I said as I picked up my gun for the shooting practices.

"Speak for yourself. Aviral already had his ass kicked in the training today.", Roger laughed taking his position in line behind me.

"What?", I asked Aviral who stood in the other line beside me.

"Can't hear you.", Aviral said putting on his noise cancelling headphones.

I gave him a look that warned that I was going to haunt him till hell till I got the story out of him.

Alright Agents pay attention.", Agent Joshua called and Aviral quickly removed his earphones.

"Now I could say that I hope that you only ever have to use your gun in self-defense but the profession you are going to enter in demands that you always have one hand on the gun. You hesitate to shoot and you'll be down before you've had a chance to regret your decision. You'll not be sent down to hunt local bandits or small time robbers. You'll be called for help in high scale crisis, to dismantle organised crime, to go undercover in gangs, to perform covet operations in mafia, crackdown on the underworld or provide secret service. In any case, if you're called, know that the situation has long exceeded any point of negotiation, you're going to enter right when the dam breaks and shit goes down bad. So what I'm telling you is that you're going to be fighting bad guys and they won't hesitate to fire, so you shouldn't either. But wherever possible shoot to disarm or critically injure but not kill. If my experience in the field has taught me anything is that the conscience hardly cares once the bullet has left the gun."

"Now the first step to shooting is your stance. Keep your weight forward balanced on the balls of your feet. Keep a confident and strong position. Keep your grip steady points your thumbs forward. Focus.", the agent said as I tightened my grip on the gun and pointed it on the target.

"What do you see, cadet?", he asked.

"The aim, sir just the aim.", I said. I knew my stories of Arjun and Dronacharya well.

"Do you now? Does that mean you are no longer aware of any threat that might creep on you from 6o clock? What about the host you are protecting who's beside you. If all you can see is the target, your host is dead.", the agent said ruthlessly.

I stood stunned. Was he just being coy with me or did I have my principles messed up?

"Today, agent.", he shouted.

I held my gun tighter, my legs had begun to shake and I was having a hard time keeping my hand steady.

"Whenever you're ready.", he said.

At that moment, I just wanted to throw my gun and walk out. I was all for respect for your teacher but I didn't take shit from anyone.

I calmed myself focusing my anger. This was not the time to lose my poise. I focused on the target, steadied my hand and took a deep breath clearing my mind.

I touched the trigger and hesitated. If push came to shove, would I actually be able to press the trigger. I wasn't sure. What had I gotten myself into - I wondered as the class watched with baited breath and I stood there contemplating.

"Now!", the agent shouted and I pressed the trigger.

The bullet missed the entire target by a complete inch.

"You're not ready to handle a gun.", the agent said as I put the gun on the counter.

A thousand retorts shot through my mind. My sarcasm and wit were on the offense ready to attack but I held back. I was better than this - I won't be provoked into a fit by an agent no matter how much of a jerk he was.

I went and stood at the end of the line.

"Hey, it's okay.", Aviral said from beside me and I looked straight ahead ignoring him.

Tears had welled up in my eyes and I hated being vulnerable. I didn't want anyone to see me break down in the shooting ground.

I clasped my hands tighter and looked straight ahead at the Agent as he instructed the next cadet.

"Shoot.", the agent ordered and the bullet hit the target. It wasn't a bulls eye but it hit the target and well that was enough considering the benchmark set by his predecessor.

The session got completed with the last student hitting the bulls eye.

"You've practiced shooting before?", the agent asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes sir, my mother is a marksman.", he said proudly.

The agent nodded which was his maximum ability of praise. 

"Class dismissed.", he said and I was more than happy to get out of the class.

I deposited my gear - I was the first one out and I opened the register to write down my time of returning the equipment.

"Tough day?", the agent at desk nodded sympathetically but sympathy was the last thing I wanted. I nodded and left.

I entered the empty field. It was getting dark and the field was almost empty. All practice sessions had ended and the last of the sunlight was caressing the ground.

I removed my jacket threw it on the football net pole and did the one thing I was sure of - I ran. I ran like nothing else mattered, like the field was the only place for me, it was my universe for this one moment. I felt peace sinking in - this was one terrain my capabilities had not been questioned at. This was my home, my turf and I was returning back to it to heal. 

An odd early winter rain began to pour. I felt the drizzle first calm and welcoming and soon it grew into a fierce rage wanting to heard, felt and noticed. The kind of rain and thunder that sends a shiver down your spine. And any other time, I would have been scared but not in the field. The rain grew stronger and I ran faster. I ran till I was drenched by the rain water and the sweat equally. I picked up my jacket and ran to the sports room.

I knew I had to change soon or I would get a terrible cold. I ran up to my room and I swear the warden cursed me in at least 5 different languages.

Agent 024Where stories live. Discover now