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"Ugh.", I groaned as suddenly there was light, why did God say so.

"Sorry, doctor's orders.", a familiar voice said and there stood Abhay drawing my curtains open.

My body felt jammed and it ached to move my muscle but the pain in my back was significantly down so that meant I was healing.

"Uhh.", I sighed as a sharp pain shot through my back as I attempted to sit up.

"Slowly, Tisha.", Abhay said setting the plate down and holding me by the shoulder by one hand as he propelled the pillow behind me and sat me back on it.

"How bad is it?", I asked him.

Suddenly completing today's hurdle didn't seem worth it.

He took a deep breath. 

"It's not broken so that's a good thing. You could have avoided deeper damage to your back if you had withdrawn after the fall and it will take some time for it heal.", Abhay said looking concerned.

"So my worst fears confirmed.", I sighed as I took the boiled egg and had a bite.

"Okay, I know you're stubborn and probably don't want any advise-"

"Go ahead. I can accept one seeing I'm the one on the hospital bed."

"Tisha, withdrawing after the jump was not only the right thing it would also have been the smart thing to do. To avoid missing a week's training, you may have set yourself physically for a longer while. In missions, the situation will be more dangerous. You must know when to abort a mission. This is where you learn your strengths and limits, you must know yours and respect them."

"Thanks Abhay but the only way I'm aborting a mission is when I'm no longer physically capable of going ahead and that's in the field and in the real life.", I said looking at him.

"Tisha-", he said taken aback.

I felt regret for hurting him but I didn't have time to ponder on it as Agent Kumar entered.

"So I see, Abhay's already taken care of you.", she said smiling at the half finished plate of breakfast in my hands.

"You've taught him well.", I said.

"Oh he learnt most of it by watching me.", she laughed.

"But mostly I have to run after him to make him do work, but with you-", she continued.

"No, you don't. I'm a sincere volunteer.", he said getting up.

"So how are we doing?", she asked sitting on the stool beside me.

"Better. The pain in my back is much less though my body feels jammed.", I told her.

"Yeah, that's normal. We'll give you time to rest and we'll try some exercises in the evening.", she said.

"Yeah look forward to that.", I smiled automatically.

"You remind me of my Academy days. The thrill of the task, the danger the excitement."

"You miss it - the field?", I asked the question that had been hanging in the back of my head for a while now.

"Say it."', she said seeing me wondering.

"How can you leave that feel of the chase. I mean I can never see myself quitting the field no matter what.", I blurted out.

"That's how I started in the Academy. But after a while it didn't seem as attractive. The calm and stability tempted me more and I chose it."

I nodded attempting to understand but I couldn't. USAT was a dream to me - a dream I lived for and I couldn't imagine anyone lucky enough to enter that dream to leave the best part of it.

"So you became a doctor?", I asked.

"Yes. Once you join USAT, you're a member of the family no matter how you're associated with it. Some graduate out of the Academy and become trainers some go in the research and analytic wing, some earn a graduation and the join the Academy in various field like psychologists, lawyers, doctors.", she said.

"I'll not pretend I understand your choice Doctor but I respect it." , I said.

"I appreciate the honesty.", she smiled genuinely.

"I don't know what is up with me. I'm not usually this blunt.", I said.

"It's the medicines. Your inhibitions are lowered to an extent and so what you say is unfiltered.", she explained.

"Oh God. I wanted this to happen when I drank the first time but you take what you get.", I said.

She laughed and nodded her head.

"Well your humor's intact.", she said getting up.

"Okay rest now, and Priya dropped this book off for you - I didn't take you as a Doyle girl.", she said waving my collection of Sir Arthur Connan Doyle's stories.

"He is the best crime fiction there is. Heck I believe even if thieves take inspiration from him.", I said taking my book.

I opened page 10 of the book which had been folded at the right corner lightly. Unfolding it, I began to read and time passed by quickly after.

"Hey, I got your lunch.", Doctor Kumar said a couple of hours later.

"Thanks.", I said looking around wondering where Abhay was. I hadn't seen him in a while.

"He's been busy attending to the other agents. It's the start of the session. You're not the only crazy one around here.", she teased.

I laughed.

"None as bad as me I hope.", I said.

"Naah, just the usual bruises and scratches.", she said.

I ate my lunch quickly and returned to The House of Baskervilles - Sherlock Holmes would have made the best agent in town.

"Exercise?", Doctor Kumar said around 5 in the evening.

"Oh finally. I thought you'd forgotten me.", I said removing my sheet and getting off the bed.

"Good. You could manage that easily. You're recovering faster than I thought.", she smiled.

"What can I say I'm the best-", I began

"Ohkay.", she said dragging me by the arm.

The wing was relatively empty now. I looked around for Abhay but didn't find him again.

"He's uploading today's logs.", she said.

"What makes you think I was looking for him?" I said as we stepped on the balcony, trying to defend my pride.

"Let's say a woman's intuitive sense.", she smirked.

"Well your radar has gone haywire then." I said beginning my neck stretches.

"Oh yeah?", she said, observing me, "Say that the next time you're blushing when he smiles."

I opened my mouth to protest and closed in again.

"Common.", she said "Leg stretches now."

I smiled and continued.

Agent 024Where stories live. Discover now