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I groaned and put my head on the pile of books I had used for reference. All my assignments were done and I had submitted each just minutes before the deadline. Discipline was an important part of the training here and that was ingrained in us every step of the way. Our assignments were not even considered after the deadline. 5 seconds late and congratulations - you've flunked your assessment.

I picked up the books and went to the shelves to place them back. 

I went to the art of deception section and placed back my book on the case studies from the 19th century by Professfor Subramannian. 

"I didn't peg you as a Jane Austen girl.", someone said from behind.

I turned and sure enough saw Prakhar standing in the literature section. We had a knack of ending next to each other.

"And what exactly did you peg me as?", I asked putting back the copy of Sandition.

"Nancy Drew maybe.", he shrugged as we went on to the Languages shelf.

"Grow up.", I said as I placed back my books on French and Morse code and closed the shelf.

"So you're an old school, the handwritten letters and little things of life person.", he said nodding.

"Yes.", I defended myself, "Speaking of love-", I said hanging the question in mid-air. Priya won't tell me a thing about this supposed thing going on between them and whenever I asked Aradhya she told me that that was privileged information. Someone needed to stop watching suits.

"What are you insinuating?", he asked as we entered the fitness section. Yes, we had books on sports, we studied sports. Someone get me out of here already.

"You tell me, common a man like you doesn't stay single for long, there's got to be something. A crush maybe on a member of your team hopefully. You know that'll just make things easier.", I suggested. I was getting this information out of Prakhar by hook or crook. 

"I am not a dating kind of person, Tisha. I don't fool around. I fall in love with someone then get into a relationship, not the other way round.", he said.

"And you called me old-school. Boy, the 17th century forgot to take you back.", I said.

He laughed as I kept my last book on international laws and jurisdiction back in the shelf.

"But honestly isn't love like too far-fetched an idea, I mean what if you never fall in love?", I asked as got out of the library.

"I've fallen in love Tisha, often. But relationships need to have a meaning for me. I don't get into one for the sake of it."

I sighed. This guy was impossible to break.

"Huh. I'm going to make this interrogation a success." I said steeping in his way and blocking him. "Now I want a yes or no answer to this question. Do you or do you not oh sir almighty, like someone?"

"Oh I do like someone Tisha, not that you won't know about it.", he said ducking and escaping me.

He went inside the boys hostel and I looked at the guard at the gate. One step inside that campus and I would be on probation duties for a month.

"Well played.", I said tilting my head.

"Oh Tisha. You've got so much to learn.", he said in a fake philosophical tone.

I opened my mouth to give a witty retort but the guard looked at me sternly and I nodded and backed off.

I went to my favorite cafeteria that served the best fruit juice and dosas. Exactly what I needed right now.

I went in and saw Abhay at the counter ordering his food. I looked up trying to speak to the universe directly and said - Really. I mean I did believe that if you truly wanted something, the entire universe conspirated to take you to it. But here neither Abhay wanted it nor I since a week at least or did the universe not get the memo yet.

I hid behind the pillar. Don't judge me - put my fiercest enemy in front of me and I'll face them head-on. But guys with brown eyes and an insanely cute smile made me drop all my defenses.

"Common, Tisha. Do a better job if you're going to hide from me.", Abhay said sipping on his sugarcane juice and holding a plate of reva dosa in his hands. No way - that was my favourite combo. I looked at the guy at the counter accusingly and he put up his hands in defense. I sighed. It wasn't like he could say - "No, I'm not going to give what you ordered even though we have it just because Tisha Dutt takes this combo every time."

"I am not hiding.", I said as I made my way down the stairs.

"This way.", he said pointing towards the cafeteria, "I'm hoping you came to the cafeteria for food not stargazing.", he said.

The guts of this guy - I swore. 

"Nope, not hungry.", I said hopping off the last two stairs. Priya did keep a dozen apples in store. Besides we'd just bought a carton of Maggy.

"Tisha.", he said and held my hand as I started walking away.  I sighed and stopped. His touch had sent an electric signal all across my body. The fact that his eyes would make me go lost again and his smile would be the death of all my defenses didn't help. And I didn't want to act like a fool around him any more. Even though I didn't owe it, I had been hurt. And I was trying my best to get over it maturely. Him blocking me in that path wasn't helping.

I turned towards him but didn't look at him.

"I have't seen you for a week. I thought we were friends.", he said.

I winced. That was what we'd been. Of course - why had I dreamed of anything more.

"Friends, right of course.", I said, smiling.

"Tisha.", he said, trying to calm me down.

"Nope sorry got to rush. Assignments, you know, deadlines.", I said nodding and pulled my hand away as I walked away.

"Abhay.", Priya said looking at my face as I walked into the room and I nodded.

"I mean, I'm trying. I'm trying to be mature okay?", I said and plumped down on her bed.

"And he's just trying to figure out why you would break the friendship too.", she said sypathetically.

"That's it, Priya, I can't be just friends with him. I know I'm far from perfect heck I try to be mature but I know I'm reckless and careless. But I'm honest and frank - I'll say what I think and there's no way I can pretend, not around him atleast."

"You need to give the friendship a chance Tisha. You can't start ignoring him because you like him and he doesn't. It's not fair to him.", she said.

Her words stung but they were the truth and that's what I needed to hear.

"You're right.", I nodded.

"I know that's not what you wanted to hear but that's what you needed to hear, Tisha.", she said hugging me.

"When did you become so mature?", I smiled.

"Ohh I've done my fair share of immature acts.", she laughed.

"No way.", I said, "So you've got any apples left?"

"Yeah, I brought this dosa, but couldn't finish it. I was hoping you'd have it.", she said passing me on the dosa.

"Are you my guardian angel?", I asked.

"Seems like it.", she laughed.

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