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We stood in the training grounds. The laps had been increased to twenty now and everyone had tons of glucose before coming to the field.

"So I talked to Prakhar yesterday?", I said in a suggestive tone.

"Yeah?", Priya said in a neutral tone as she continued running.

"You two are impossible to crack.", I sighed as I completed the fifth lap.

We were huffing lying on the grass as we complete out twenty laps. We saw the Agent coming towards us and all ten of us who'd finished the laps got up holding on to whatever they could find and dragged ourselves towards the gym.

"Did you really have to fall for him though?", I asked Priya looking at Prakhar, "I mean the only time that guy will tell you he likes you is when he has a ring in his pocket and proposes marriage to you.", I said as I lifted 4kg dumbbells.

"I am neither confirming nor denying anything.", she said.

"Oh common, I am not asking about nuclear missiles in your country.", I pleaded to no avail.

2 hours later only a few of the half-dead cadets remained. I was 2 push ups away from completing my 50 push ups target and it took all my energy heart and soul to complete the task.

I went in the storeroom to keep the dumbbels and found Abhay there arranging them neatly.

"Hey.", I said.

He turned and looked at me

"The dumbbells.", I said pointing towards the shelf.

He got up and stood aside.

I sighed. I deserved the silent treatment.

"You got a minute?", I asked.

"Nope. Duties you see, not much time, you know.", he shrugged. Talk of a classic deja vu.

"Alright, I deserve it.", I nodded, "Common.", I said taking his hand and leading him out of the gym.

"I am sorry.", I said looking into his eyes after what left like eons.

"What was that?", he smirked.

"I am sorry.", I said, "You were right. We are friends and I was wrong to break off the friendship. You didn't deserve it and as a friend I'm going to try to build back the friendship that I almost broke.", I took a deep breath. It felt good to finally do something I knew in my heart was right but could never do because of my pride.

"What was it though? What did I do that hurt you so much that you didn't want to see my face for a week?" There was genuine pain in his eyes and I suddenly felt remorse.

"There's no point getting back to it. It's all sorted and so chapter closed."

"No.", he said holding my palm, "Friends tell each other when they're hurt. How can I avoid hurting you again when I don't know what it is?", he reasoned.

"How about you start by not holding my hand?" - I wanted to say.

"Tisha.", he pleaded.

"Fine. I liked you okay, not like a passing crush or anything, I really liked you and I thought you did too. And I was hurt when you said no more so when you told me not to fall for anyone. I mean I can take a hint, a subtle no would do. But I know now that it wasn't your fault at all, that clearly saying no was the best thing you could have done, and I am going to be totally mature about it.", I said more to myself than him although being mature was a pain in the ass. Being a bad-ass jerk was so much easier.

"Hey.", a girl came at that moment and kissed Abhay on the lips.

I was grateful for the fact that there was a railing behind me as I clutched on to it. I let go of my palm that Abhay held in his arms.

"Hey.", Abhay said.

"Hi, I'm Tisha.", I said when she looked at me questioningly.

"I'm Esha.", she said shaking my hand.

"You're his girlfriend?", I asked casually.

"No.", she laughed. "Abhay does not do relationships. We're dating, but then again who wants all the drama - dating is good.", she smiled.

I nodded - "Exactly yeah."

"Have a great time you too. Nice to meet you.", I said and walked away.

Abhay looked uncomfortable and I had helped out as much as I could. Although telling him I liked him a second before his date arrived wasn't the best way things could have gone down. 

"We'll talk later.", he said and I turned and nodded. Although truth be told, I was glad Esha had arrived. I didn't particularly look forward to the talks.

But there was no way I could avoid him either. We had extensive training from Monday to Thursday and he volunteered at all of those sessions.

I headed back from breakfast and sat with my team.

"Judging by my choice in guys, I might end up dating you.", I said to Aviral as I sat next to him.

He coughed and spilled his sugarcane juice.

"Jeez Tisha. Don't joke when I have my mouth full. You trying to kill me?", he said.

"Oh common, take a joke.", I said eating my sprouts.

"You guys done with the morse code assignment?", Aradhya asked.

Roger tapped on the table and spelled out YES in Morse code.

"Yea.", we all cheered.

"Okay, imagine this class. You're trapped in the middle of the sea in the dead of the night and all communication is lost. Your only way to send a signal for help would be -", 

"A smoking signal.", Aradhya suggested.

"Sure, and burn down your ship along with it. That'd be hard to miss.", Aviral laughed and Aradhya promptly elbowed him.

"I mean we could try shouting - all of us together?", Prakhar suggested.

"More likely the fishes are going to come help you and that too just to shut you up.", Priya said and we all laughed.

"Uh huh.", I said nodding my head. "It's the dead of the night, the easiest form of communication would be light. And he obviously wants us to use morse code.", I thought out loud.

"Shining a flashlight and using it as a morse signal. Preferably a red light. It would work in fog as well plus it's range is much wider.", I said out loud.

Agent Gulati nodded and smiled and I spotted Irrfan nodding approvingly which was the only communication we've had in a while.

"Correct.", Agent Gulati said claiming control of the class again. "So put off the lights and let's get this ship to the shore."

Agent 024Where stories live. Discover now