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I saw Aviral at the top of the stairs, talking to a group of girls.

"Tisha.", he called out and caught up to me.

"So?", he said in a knowing tone.

I gave him a "what's wrong with you look?" and continued walking.

"You and Abhay - on the field - tell me everything."

"What are you a teenager? Are you going to ask me to show you my nails next?", I laughed.

"He said no?", he asked with genuine sympathy

"I never thought I'd share my non-existent love life with you but yes he rejected me so that's that.", I shrugged.

"That bastard. He doesn't know what he's giving up. What did he say?", he asked.

"He stepped back when I thought we were having a moment and if there was any doubt left after that he told me not to fall and wait here's the best part - for anyone."

"That's messed up."

I shrugged. "What about you?", I asked.

"Where do you think I was heading right now?", he said with a smirk.

"Oh well."

"But I've got a better plan now, come.", he said taking my hand.

"No if a threesome is your idea of cheering me up, it won't work.", I said.

"Just follow my lead okay?"

"No, I'm good.", I said with an expression that said - I just caught you in your wordplay.

"Just trust me okay?", he said and I gave in and followed him.

"Fine. It's just one hour before the next class. How bad could it be?"

"Jeez Tisha, thanks for the vote of confidence."

"You know you're my favorite.", I told him.

"Tada.", he said stopping out of the basketball court where a group of seniors was playing.

"No.", I said.

"Quit whining. Aren't you always saying how much you miss playing basketball.", he said.

"Yes and you are supposed to not pay attention to whatever I say. If I remember correctly didn't you once tell me that there was a special place in hell for me for being so boring.", I said.

"Hey.", Aviral called out to the players.

"No.", I said pulling him by his arm. "What are you doing? They're seniors!"

"So?", he asked.

"You son of a so! We can't play with them - they're seniors!" I sad emphasizing the last term so it'd get in his head.

"Well, if that's the only issue.", Aviral said to me.

"Can we join you guys?", he called out to the team.

"No, no, no.", I had already started stepping back.

"Sure we're just starting a new match.", one of the guys in a blue shirt said.

"See?", Aviral beamed and dragged me into the court.

"Okay so.", the guy who had spoken earlier said looking at Abhay.

"Abhay.", Abhay said.

"Abhay, Gaurav's team.", he said.

"Tisha.", I said even before the guy looked at me. Jeez Tisha two points for awkwardness.

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