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I reached the room and knocked. I got no response. I twisted the knob and the door gave way.

"Strange.", I said it wasn't like Priya to not be in the room at this time let alone leave the door unlocked.

I grabbed my towel and rushed into the bathroom.

I ran the shower and luckily it was hot. The water must have remained warm since the time Tisha used the geyser. 

"Bless their super world technology.", I said as I stood under the hot water.

It felt good to get rid of the dirt and sweat as I wrapped the towel around me.

I stepped out into the still empty room and took out my clothes. Locking the door, I changed into my clothes.

I had a collection of clothes that needed immediate laundry or I could say goodbye to them forever.

I bundled it all into a bed sheet threw the detergent packet on top and carried it all into the lift.

I pressed the 7 floor button and waited with my head against the wall as the lift went up. 

I opened the door to the terrace and saw Priya latched on to the ceiling her eyes closed and a wide smile on her face.

I quickly put my clothes into the one remaining empty machine, put in the detergent and set the timer for an hour hoping that'd be enough. I ran to the railing and clutched the railing next to Priya and whispered - Hey.

"Hi.", she said the smile still on her face slowly opening her eyes and turning towards me.

"Boy you really love rain, huh?", I asked.

"It reminds me of home.", she nodded.

"You miss it."

"A lot today.", she said and I nodded in understanding.

"You miss your folks?", she asked.

"No, I don't think about it.", I shrugged.

"Avoid thinking about the conflict and pretend it doesn't exist.", she smiled playfully.

"Works fine for me.", I said.

"Common, I have an idea.", she said holding me by the hand and dragging me with her to the induction on the floor.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?", I said.

She smiled and nodded as we both shouted in unison - "Maggy!"

I swear Maggy could just film our reaction and play it as an advertisement campaign.

As we sat there two teenagers watching the maggy boil after putting in cheese mayonnaise pepper, sauce in short every edible ingredient we had, I smiled thinking this is exactly what I'd be wanting to do even if I was in a civilian college elsewhere.

"You want to talk about today?", she said after we had finished laughing on what fate awaited me in the morning with the warden.

"No, just hot maggy and you for company is all the therapy I need for today.", I said laying my head down on her shoulder.

"You ran the course with a broken back on your first day. I'm sure you're more stubborn than the agent.", she smiled.

I went to the stir the maggy and smiled evilly - Oh that I am.

"And it's ready!", I exclaimed and poured it out into two bowls.

We sat on the terrace sipping on the maggy soup watching the rain drizzle and missing home.

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