33 6 3

I picked up a chit that was labelled 4. People had started shouting their numbers but the forty of us doing it had created an utter chaos with the result being that none was achieving any success. This wouldn't do. I'll have to think of something else. I opened the drawing pad on my tablet - typed the number 4 on it and stood on a slightly elevated patch of ground where everyone could see me. I hope this plan succeeds because if not I was screwed.

I clapped my hands twice loud - people glanced at me more as a reflex action than actually affording to be interested in the midst of all this chaos. I was ready with my tablet over my head the moment people glanced temporarily in my direction.

Seconds passed and people had gone back to their shouting and searching almost as soon as they had been interrupted and I didn't see a single agent making their way towards me. Looks like my plan had failed in a major grand way. The Dean, our mentors, our seniors had all looked at me performing this stunt and I felt ashamed. I thanked my melanin I couldn't biologically blush otherwise I'd be standing there looking like a Kashmiri apple. Damn I had really looked forward to learning from our Dean. One hell of a stunt for my first day.

As I stood there contemplating in my pool of newly created self-doubt, I saw an agent making his way towards me.

Could it be possible? Judging from his stance definitely yes his eyes were aimed in my direction. I watched with baited breath as he finally made his way to me.

"Team 4?", I asked to be completely honest begged of him. With the pleading in my voice the guy would have said yes even if I had said - Are we presently under water?

He smiled a lopsided smile and nodded.

"Oh yes. That little trick of yours worked."

"Thank God.", I breathed. "Any idea where the rest are?"

"Well I see two more coming."

I smiled the weirdest goofy way a human is capable of. He looked at me and laughed.

"Hey, I deserve this happiness."

He raised his hands in surrender although I knew he was still smiling and not just looking at the ants on the ground.

"Team 4?", one of the two agents who had just approached asked.

"Yes, welcome. I'm Tisha."

"Aradhya.", the girl said shaking my hand.

"Irrfan.", the second agent nodded and I reciprocated the greeting.

The agent who had first arrived and finally managed to stop laughing now said - "Agent Rogers"

"Agent Tisha."  I said shaking his hand.

Finally the fourth member of the group made his way to the group after he had said hello to every other agent present on the ground. I was furious. We could have easily made it to the top had this guy been a a little serious about this.

"Am I the only one who's mad at this guy?", I said to the rest of the team 4.

"The hell you're not.", said Aradhya and the guys nodded their approval.

"Done strolling around brother?", Rogers asked.

"Aviral at your servic,e ladies and gentlemen. Too many good people around to skip saying hello.", he said winking at Aradhya. She rolled her eyes at him.

"You do realize this was a time-based event and you just cost your entire team points?" , Irrfan asked.

"Well I knew we were not going to be last thanks to this beautiful lady here.", he said pointing at me.

"Agent.", I corrected him.

He continued - "So relax guys. It isn't always about the chase - you got to enjoy the journey.", he said before starting a conversation with some other team.

"Arrogant, egoistic, selfish assholes who'll flirt with anything and everything - if he's going to be our life for the next few weeks, God help us.", Aradhya said.

"Couldn't agree more.", we nodded.

"Anyways guys we're probably in the first five, so it's okay but I suggest we have a team meeting and set some ground rules. There's going to be a lot of such drills ahead and the entire team should be on the same page.", Irrfan said.

"Correct. The whole team shouldn't have to suffer because one of us won't take it seriously.", Roger said

"Agreed. How about we meet when this is all over?", I said.

"Sounds good.", Aradhya chimed in.

"Okay, I'm going to go on a hunch here and say you're from Himachal Pradesh.", Roger asked Aradhya.

"No way. What gave me away?", Aradhya asked.

"Your accent for one. My mother is from there so I recognize the accent well."

"We've got a fellow Himachali on board. God it feels so good to meet someone from your onw hometown."

"I wish I could say I recognize your accent too.", Irrfan said with a shrug.

I laughed.

"I'm from Uttarakhand and no you wouldn't recognise my accent - I never did learn my native language."

"How come?", he asked.

"Well I lived in the city. Never really got to see my culture let alone live it."

"Ahh tragic. Well I live in Bengal and you know the thing with us we Bengalis are damn proud of our culture."

"Oh yeah I've heard enough stories."

"Gather around agents.", our Dean's  voice boomed over the noises and we all quickly assembled in a circle around him.

"These are your scores on the board. You've been ranked based on your timing. Team 3 step forward."

"Tie these watches around your wrist. It'll mark the area you cover and ensure you travel the entire academy twice. Get started."

All the five members of the team 3 started running.

"Too harsh for being ranked last, don't you think?"

I looked aside and found Prakhar talking to me.

"How do you find me?", I smiled.

"I've got Jack Sparrow's compass."

"Captain Jack Sparrow.", I corrected.

"Ahh a true pirate.", he said in the worst possible Spanish accent.

"You just ruined it for me, congrats.", I teased.

"Disperse.", one the mentors said.

"Sayonara.", Prakhar said before merging with the crowd and I grabbed Aviral before he could offer to walk every agent to their room.

"Come on. Time for the team meeting.", I said grabbing his hand and dragging him towards the team.

"What?", he said dragging the term too reluctant to come willingly.

I could see Irrfan shooting daggers at him and I was secretly glad I didn't have to be the adult here. Irrfan would take care of him.

Agent 024Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant