Chapter 11 ~ Zayn's day

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Chapter 11 ― Zayn's day


   I didn’t know if I was still sleeping or in that point between. Probably the latter. I heard voices, murmurs about me. I listened to their voices, recognising them one by one.

“Did she sleep here all night?” That was Belle, I could hear her worry clearly.

“I don’t understand. When I fell asleep she was with me–” and that was Niall who shut up immediately when he realised what he just said. I heard people gasping.

“Pardon me?” That accent belonged to Zayn.

“Hey, look; it’s the book I recommender her. Maybe she was reading it and fell asleep,” Phoebe suggested and I heard the incredulous murmurs of my friends.

“I don’t think so. Here’s her bookmark, and clearly isn’t in the middle of the book,” Belle again.

When the pain attacked me I knew I wasn’t sleeping anymore, that my friends were there, watching me. The memories of the last day came crawling back at me again, the realisation I had last night, that little peck I stole from Niall. It wasn’t just physical pain anymore; my chest was aching, as well.

“That’s because I finished the book last night,” I replied curling in a foetal position and opening my eyes to see all my friends looking at me with worry. “Some help?” I murmured groaning softly. I needed my pills, like now. Niall hurried next to me, putting his arms around me. I knew I had to pull him aside, I needed distance in order to forget about him and stop suffering, but I was in pain, I need comfort and he was giving me what I required.

“Do you need your pills, love?” He asked in a sweet and soft tone and I nodded grabbing his t-shirt as another wave of pain attacked me. “Shh, Belle is coming with them,” he promised patting my back softly and kissing me on my forehead. My heart was beating fast, and even faster when his lips touched my skin. I wanted to stay like that forever, but I knew better, I had to put some distance between us.

I looked away and my eyes met Zayn’s. His eyes were filled with worry but something else, something bitter I couldn’t put my finger on. “Would you stay with me today?” I asked him. I saw surprise taking over his features as I felt Niall tensing next to me. I felt my friends’ eyes on me as well, wondering why I would ask something like that when Niall was holding me. “I want you to be my teddy bear today. Today will be Zayn’s day!” I explained faking happiness. I would have loved to stay with Niall again, but I couldn’t do it if I wanted to save my heart. “And tomorrow will be Harry’s day!” I added looking at the curly guy and that seemed to put them at ease, understanding my plan. I even felt Niall relaxing.

“Why’s Harry first?” Louis asked indignant. “I’m your husband and you always prefer others over me. Not fair.”

“Because Eleanor will come tomorrow, right? Would you rather stay with me that going out with your girlfriend?”

“Good point. Tomorrow will be Harry’s day, then!” He agreed joyfully and I chuckled still in pain. Luckily, Belle came back with my pills and a glass of water. Niall didn’t let me go and I let myself enjoy that for a little while because my plan was to never be like that with him again. Just friends, nothing that would make my heart race.

I stayed in Niall’s arms till the pills starting to make effect. I had to run away before my state would make me do something stupid. I extended my hand to Zayn and he got closer taking my hand and pulling me to his chest. I didn’t want to see Niall, so I buried my face in Zayn and let him comfort me because the distance between the Irish and I was hurting me already and there were no pills for that kind of pain.

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