Where The Hell Did You Take Me?

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I walked up to the gate of the school, taking one last drag of my cigarette before I threw it to the side and it landed on the sidewalk.

"Ray! Ray!", someone called and I turned to him.

"I thought I said not to call me that Angel", I rolled my eyes.

"Come on-the Hearts are cutting today-want in?", he smirked.

"Fuck yeah I want in", I scoffed.

"Good-come on", he said then he patted my arm and started walking down the sidewalk.

I immediately turned and walked after him, then rounded the corner and there was Cody.

"Your in?",he raised his eyebrows at me as he held his beer out to me.

"Of fucking course", I said then grabbed it and took a drink."Why would'nt I be?"

"Cause, your the princess's sister...thought you'd be the same way", he smirked and I smirked back as well.

"Well then you obviously don't know me very well, Culp", I smirked as I shoved his beer back into his chest and started down the sidewalk to the hangout.

I turned back when I noticed they were'nt walking and Cody smirked at me.

"Ya comin or what?", I held my arms out.

Cody shook my head then took one last sip of his beer before he threw it to the sidewalk and it shattered, then he followed me and Angel came along too.


Once we got to the hangout, we went inside and to the back room.

And we stayed there the entire day until it got dark.

"Ahhh shit man I needed this", I said to myself as I leaned back in my chair and yawned."If I went one more day to that fuckin Math class-I was gunna throw myself out the damn window."

"Lorenzo?", Angel said.

"Mmmhmm", I hummed back then looked at Cody who was loading his gun."What we doin?"

Cody then shoved his magazine into the gun and turned to me smirking."Glad you asked."

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