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I could'nt see anything, but all I could hear was men.


Like they had done something really bad and were almost proud of it.

I tried to take a step or move in anyway and I could'nt.

"You better watch your back, Ray", Hector's voice suddenly rang out and I felt my heart stop.

Next thing I knew, it felt like someone shoved my ass to the ground then started kickin and punchin the shit out of me.

And what was worse was I could'nt move or even scream for them to stop.

After that, it felt like I was being picked up and thrown against something.

A wall maybe?

Sure as fuck felt like it-I just did'nt know where.

I started screaming because I finally could, and I shot up in bed.

Cody was turned over, and dead asleep still.

There was only one window in our room, and it was above our bed so it shone perfect silver/white light into the room as I looked around.

The clock on my side table said 3:27 a.m. and I could'nt decide if I should stay up or go back to sleep.

Sighing to myself, I laid back down though, then turned over and stared at the wall.

After a few seconds, my gaze shifted back down to the clock again, so I watched it blink a few times before staring up at the ceiling.

I wonder what my mom was doing right now.

Where she was at.

If she had a new husband or boyfriend, or fuck, even new kids?

I had'nt seen her in so long, and I missed her.

Whether I Like It Or NotKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat