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We never did get caught after that day, and I intended to keep it that way.

My dad and sister had just rolled up to the house after they came back from the store.

Did'nt even bother to wake me up.


"Rayven!!", my sister called.

I took another drag of my cigarette as I opened the screen door to the house then put all my weight on my left leg.

"Come get this-I don't wanna mess up my nail polish", she said as my dad got out.

"You have to be kidding me", I said.

"No-I'm not", she growled.

"People are dying in fucking Africa and your worried about your 40 dollar nail polish?", I said."I don't even spend 20 bucks a year on myself-let alone get my fuckin nails done for 40 bucks-how the hell am I related to you?"

"Rayven Elizabeth", Dad growled then I glared over at him.

"Why do you only say my middle name?", I growled back then raised my eyebrows."You must have forgot Christie's....NICHOLE!!"

"Shut up", she glared at me.

"Nichole", I smirked.

"Rayven!!", she stomped her foot.

"Oh sorry Nichole", I said again.

"I swear to God if you say it one more ti-"

"Nichole, Nichole, Nichole, Nichole", I said over and over again and her face could'nt get any more red.

"Rayven-enough", my dad growled."Get the food inside now."

After that, Christie knocked into my shoulder as she walked passed me and into the house with dad.

I glared at the both of them, then started grabbing a couple bags out of the back then walked up the porch to the door.

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