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I had just gotten done with the last letter on the side of our school then stepped back.

"Needs more red", I nodded."Angel."

"Comin at ya", he said then he threw the red spray paint at me.

"Thank you", I sighed then popped the top off and added red around the last letter before I stepped back again."Whatcha think?"

"Beautiful", he nodded beside me.

As of right now, Angel and I were looking at our work that we spent 3 hours on.

In big, bright, big letters-it said "Death to all Heads" on the side of our school.

"Fuck yeah man", he laughed then we bumped fists.

"HEY!!", someone yelled from beside us, and when I turned there was guard.

"Fuck man-GO!!", I yelled then grabbed the back of Angel's jacket and made him run with me.

As soon as we turned a corner however, there was another guard with a gun.

"You better stop right there!!", he yelled and cocked his gun.

"Alright-alright...fine", I shrugged and stepped back.

"Put your hands up-the both of you", he growled so we both put our hands up in front of us.

"Alright, now gimme the spray paint", he said and held his hand out to me as he walked forward holding the gun with one hand.

"Sure thing dude", I nodded, then stepped closer.

When I was close enough, I grabbed the gun and pushed it up right as he started firing, then I spray painted the front of his helmet red so he could'nt see.

"GO!!", I yelled to Angel, then kicked the dude down to the ground before I ran after him.

"Dude that was awesome!!", Angel laughed as we rounded a corner.

As soon as we did though, we ran right into someone, then when I backed up I rolled my eyes.

"Ugh, it lives", I scoffed.

"Why are you guys running?", Cody ignored me.

"We sprayed painted "Death to all Heads" on the side of the school and a couple guards caught us", Angel snickered to himself.

The next thing I knew, Cody grabs me by my fuckin neck and throws me against the wall to pin me.

"Jeez Culp, kinky much?", I smirked.

"Are you trying to get my little brother arrested?", he growled real close to my face.

"Actually", I cocked my head, then grabbed his neck and smashed his face into my knee.

He let me go so I shoved him back and he wiped his now bleeding nose.

"It was Angel's idea...I was just helping him-so get the fuck off me", I growled.

After that, I shoulder checked him as I walked by then threw the spray paint can to the side as I walked up the steps into school.

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