33: The End of an Era

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OCTOBER 31, 1981

"SIRIUS, YOU'RE SCARING ME." Arabella said worriedly, looking at Sirius with wide eyes as he paced back and forth around their home, looking for his wand. She didn't know why Sirius was acting like this; he had left earlier in the day in a good mood but went home disgruntled and stressed. At first she just assumed it was because of the war's stress getting to him again but this was different. 

"Where the bloody hell is my wand!" Sirius yelled, causing Arabella to flinch. She had never seen Sirius in such a state. "Damn-"

A small tug on his coat and a quiet squeal stopped Sirius in his tracks. He looked down to find a small girl with pale skin and brown hair, looking up at him with stormy gray eyes that could be mistaken for his own. Sirius smiled softly as he picked the little girl up, he softly smiled when he noticed that in her hand she held his wand. 

"What would I do without you?" He asked in a soft, calm voice, giving her a kiss on the cheek. The little girl giggled as Sirius set her down and waddled her way towards her mother. The little girl put her hands up, signalling her mother to pick her up and she did.

Arabella sighed as Sirius made his way towards them. "You better have a good reason on why you're acting like this Sirius."

"I do, but I honestly hope I'm not right on my suspicions." Sirius said sadly, looking at Arabella.

"What on Earth are you talking about?" Arabella said but Sirius did not answer as he looked at the clock that hung on the wall and began to rush again.

"Belle, I need you to trust me and do as I say. Okay?" Sirius said, worriedly looking at Arabella.

Arabella could only nod as she did not know what to answer. 

"I need you to bring Cass to your parents' house then go to Lily and James' house." Sirius said frantically; he tried to stay calm as to not alarm Arabella but he couldn't. A thin layer of cold sweat covered his forehead as he pushed Arabella and Cass out the front door and closing it. 

"Where will you be going?" Arabella asked, turning back to Sirius. 

"Pettigrew's." Sirius said, rushing towards the opposite direction from Arabella and Cassiopeia. 

"Sirius!" Arabella called out, causing Sirius to look back at her.

"Please, stay safe." She said softly, but it was loud enough for Sirius to hear. He made his way over to her and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead. "I will. I promise. For you two."

This was enough to assure Arabella as she made her way to her parents' house and Sirius made his way to Pettigrew's.


"PETER! PETER!" Sirius yelled, knocking on Peter's front door as hard as he could. "Damn it, Peter. Open the bloody door!"

"Alohomora." Sirius said once he had enough of knocking on Peter's door. The door opened to reveal Peter's home perfectly fine. He had expected for the room to be a mess; with broken glass and furniture thrown around. To his shock, everything was in its rightful place. The place had looked almost immaculate.

"Peter!" Sirius called out, yet nobody answered. He looked around the place in search of his friend but did not find anyone. 

The lack of any signs of struggle and the fact that Peter could not be found alarmed Sirius. The more he thought about it, the angrier and more distressed he had been. Once he was able to piece everything together,he frantically made his way to James and Lily's house.

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