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"Reeba? Becks? Becky!?," various teammates call out after seeing the collision between Becky and Lindsay that occurred moments prior. Lindsay popped up soon after, resting her arms on her knees as she sits. She glances over to where her teammates are huddled around their still flattened captain.
"Im,..fine," Becky utters as she tries to inhale through the immense pain in her ribcage. She can't bring herself to sit up quite yet as her hand goes to rest on her side. Her movement causes everyone to look at the side where her training top has ridden up from the fall.
"Jesus, Linds, were you trying to kill our captain?" Moe asks jokingly as she sees the defenders deep purple and black colored side. Lindsay quickly glances over due to the comment and immediately feels guilty.
"Oh, god, Becky! I'm so sorry!" Lindsay spits out rapidly as she tries to get closer to the person she collided with.
"It's fine, Linds," Becky states as she begins to get up. "Don't worry about it." At this point she has finally returned to a standing position. Her breathing hasn't quite returned to normal yet.
"Becky, you should probably let someone check your side out," Carli offers remembering how bad the bruises were already. Becky just shakes her head and waves off the comments agreeing with Carli. Jill practically has to order Becky to see a trainer after practice. The defenders obstinance even pushes her to request that Julie goes with her. Once the bus arrives back at the hotel, Becky asks Amy to watch Ella while she and Julie head to the trainer's room.
"You really didn't have to come Jules," Becky says as they wait for a trainer to come back.
"I just want to make sure you're..." Julie's sentence is cut off by the entrance of the trainer. He takes his time going over what happened at practice and then asking her to take her shirt off so he can check her ribs. Becky looks at Julie warily before following orders. Julie gasps once her teammates shirt is completely removed. Beckys entire abdomen is covered in dark bruises and some small cuts.
"Becky! That can't be from just today!" Julie says shocked by the extent of her teammates injuries. Becky only looks away and lets the trainer finish his examination. He wraps her ribs to help with the bruising and tells her to take it easy. Becky barely acknoledges his statement before leaving the room. Julie follows swiftly behind.
"Becky, where are you going?" Julie asks as they approach teams corridor of the floor. "Why wont you tell me what happened?" Julie continues to call after Becky with questions. Various doors open and heads pop out in concern for the two women. Becky just continues on her way to Arods room and leaves Julie to retreat to her own.
"Hey Jules, how's becky's side?" Ash asks hearing the door to the room slam shut. She know something is up immediately by the frustrated look on the younger womens face.
"Not. Good. Ash." Julie states as she punctuates each word with the tossing of a shoe, cleat, or training bag into her suitcase.
"Well, it did look pretty terrible at practice," Ash concedes watching the blonde continue with her frustrated actions. Julie turns on a dime at her words.
"You thought practice was bad?" She asks retorically. "Her whole stomach is practically purple and covered in cuts that are definitely not from today," julie continues to inform the goalkeeper.
"So, what are you saying? You think someone did that to her?" Ash attempts to clarify. The idea causes worry to seep into her body at the thought. She knows fully well the mental toll that type of thing can take on anyone, especially with a child in the mix.
"I don't know, Ash. I just wish she'd tell me what happened."

"Ella," Julie calls out as she sees a blur of blonde hair skip past her and Ali's room. She had been wanting to talk to her mother.
"Auntie J?" the girl asks as she comes in the room seeing Ali, Ash, Tobin, and Christen in there as well. Julie pats the spot next to her on the edge of the bed. Ella quickly hops up and leans into her.
"How's your mom?" Julie asks carefully hoping thats the little girl will let some useful information slip. "She had some bad bruises, huh?"
"Yeah...," Ella agrees as she looks down.
"Do you know how she got them?" Julie continues. She knows at this point she is toeing the line. All the other women look at her nervously.
"No,...im not supposed to talk about that stuff," ella mumbles looking away and trying to move away from Julie.
"El, why arent you supposed to talk about it? What arent you supposed to say?" Ali asks moving to the other side of her niece so she can't runoff. Ella tries to wiggle away but when both her aunts stop her as tears start falling.
"Mommas gonna be mad...," she says through sniffles. "Please,..."
"We just want to help squirt," Ash says as she kneels in front of the girl to further prevent any escapes. Christen and Tobin sit on the other bed prepared to grab Ella if she makes it off the bed. Ella looks up at Ash's words causing all five womens hearts to break at the terror and sadness in her eyes.
"Dad,...he,...got mad. He,...he,...was upset cause Aunt Hao came." Ella stutters out trying to keep her sobs a bay. "He hurt her again," is all she can get out before her tiny frame is overcome with sobs. She quickly tries to bolt away from the people causing her distress. Luckily Tobin catches her before she reaches the hallway.
"Shh, El, i got you, ok?" Tobin assures as she holds the tiny girl and brushes her hair back.
"I didn't want to tell, aunt Toby," ella says as she looks up at her. "Why did they make me tell?"

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