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Guess who Ella is named after...

"Ms. Sauerbrunn, can you describe the beginning of the abuse you sustained from your ex husband?" Her lawyer asks. Her tone even keeled as to not rock her client. The judge sends her a warning look so she refrases to"alleged abuse".
"Well, initially it was just verbal. He would tell me that I'd never make the national team or that my college coach was gonna bench me. Things like that, but as time progressed he got bolder. He started to attack me as a person," Becky explains. Her voice is steady. She's been waiting for her day in court.
"And when did the abuse turn physical?" Her lawyer questions to steer Becky's testimony.
"Um,...it was January 7th 2011. I hadn't been called into national team since 2008 so things had been relatively calm between us. We had gotten married and were even expecting a little girl. But things took, uh, turn when I was offered to come into camp after I gave birth. There'd been an injury and a spot was still open for the world cup team that year," Becky describes as she sets the scene of that day. She stops briefly as she becomes overwhelmed by the memory. Her teammates in the court room gallery send her supporting looks. Inside all of them are dying to know what really happened. The testimony causes her to flash back to that moment.
"Shawn, I'm going. I have a real shot at playing in the world cup. Why are you being like this?" Becky asks incredulously. She'd normally never be so bold but her pregnancy hormones are in full force.
"Rebecca, it's a waste of time. How are you going to make the roster after only playing part of the your professional season and being pregnant? Huh? Plus you weren't good enough then and you're definitely not good enough now!" Shawn screams. The veins in his neck bulge out as he attempts to keep his anger in check. Becky brushes past him at his comment and makes her way down the hall. Shawn follows quickly behind and manages to grab Becky just at the top of the stairs.
"Don't you ever walk away from me!" Shawn shouts before shaking her with each syllable. On the last shove backward he lets go. Becky tumbles the whole flight of stairs. Shawn rushes down after her. "Better have learned your lesson, bitch," he states before kicking her in the ribs and leaving out the front door. Sobs begin to pour out of the crumpled body at the bottom of the stairs. Becky gathers enough strength to reach for her phone that had skidded across the floor with her. She calls the last contact she'd dialed, not really caring who it was.
"Hello, Becky, what's wrong?" Ella Masser asks, immedialy concerned by the crying she hears on the other end. When she doesn't get a reply she decides to head over to her teammates home.
"And what did that fall cause?," the lawyer asks, breaking her away from the flashback she'd been in while recounting the experience.
"It caused internal bleeding and fetal distress. So after Ella rushed me to the hospital I was escorted into surgery to have my daughter by c-section," Becky explains. She keeps her eyes down because she still feels guilt about what happened. It was her job to protect Ella and she failed to do that. Her teammates can see the guilt all over her face.
"One last question, after that night, did Shawn continue to physically abuse you?," her lawyer finishes.
"Yeah, not right away. He came to the hospital then and apologized perfusely. It took until like March for it to happen again after I mentioned the national team again," Becky finishes. Her hands fidget as she watches her lawyer walk back to her table. She's been nervous about the cross examination since the court date was set.
"Hello Rebecca, I'm just going to ask you a few questions. I know you're still recovering from recent hospital stay," the lawyer greets as he runs a hand through his slicked back hair. His hands find his pockets as he asks his first question, "Did you ever tell anyone about the alleged abuse? Can anyone corroborate what your saying?"
"I mean I never told anyone outright, but Ella Masser, my former teammate definitely knew, my doctor in D.C. was suspicious, and Heather O'Reilly I basically told," Becky defends. She knew this would be the main part of the defense.
"So, you never told anyone and now all the sudden as you're getting a divorce, it comes up. Seems a little coincidental to me. How do we not know you're saying this to get more money or keep your daughter away from Mr. Smith?," the lawyer digs. He's hoping to get a rise out of the woman currently on the witness stand.
"I would never do that. Frankly, I don't want anything from him. As for Ella, I just want her to be safe. If that means staying away from her father then so be it," Becky calmly replies. Her lack of reaction pisses Shawn off. He's tired of sitting there and hearing Becky spew out whatever the heck she wants.
"Oh, sure you don't want anything. I'm going to see my daughter regardless of what you say, bitch!," Shawn screams as his anger boils over. The judge orders for Shawn to be removed from the courtroom and his attorney asks for a recess.
"I'll grant a recess until tomorrow. The first witness to be called is Ella Mae Smith," the judges states firmly before adjourning court for the day.

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