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The entire team plus Heather, Becky, and Ella use the bus to go to the hospital. Transportation around the stadium is limited due to the events of the evening. The police managed to apprehend the suspect and no one was seriously injured.
          Once inside the hospital Becky is rushed away. Heather refused to let Becky go alone so she argued with a doctor until he agreed. The rest of the team sits, knowing that if the labor isn't stopped they could be here a while.
         "Are my Momma and sister going to be okay?" Ella asks in a small voice. It's only loud enough for Ali to hear because the girl is sitting between her and Ashlyn.
        "Babies born at 7 months are usually fine, El. You're having a sister?" Ali responds surprised to hear that Becky was having a girl. She just lost $20 in the team betting pool.
        "Oops, I wasn't supposed to tell you that," Ella admits guiltily. She's actually amazed she hasn't told anyone before now. She's been dying to tell.
         "I'm sure your mom will understand, squirt," Ashlyn offers, seeing the look on Ella's face.
         "Thanks, Aunt Ashy." Ella says as she tucks herself into the goalkeeper's side. Secretly, she hopes her aunts are right. Ella's never doubted them before but she's not so sure this time. All she really wants is her momma or Zola right now.
        "I'm sorry Ms. Sauerbrunn but it appears that the drugs aren't taking effect. We're going to proceed with delivery," the doctor explains. He had given Becky medication that stops the progress of labor but unfortunately it wasn't working. Heather comes in at the tail end of the conversation. At her presence the doctor excuses himself.
       "Zola?" Becky asks once she and Heather are alone. Heather had been on the phone with the man.
       "He's on his way as we speak," Heather assures. She sees the panic in her friend's eyes. "Hey, I'm gonna be a kick ass birthing partner so there's nothing to worry about. Plus I need practice for if Dave and I ever take the plunge," Heather offers to lighten the mood.
        "Who'd of thought I'd end up having both of my kids with my teammates' help and not their fathers'?" Becky asks rhetorically with a laugh. Heather's words had lightened her mood substantially. Her laughter stops abruptly as a grimace passes across her face. She squeezes the brunette's hand tightly as another contraction hits. "Maybe you should hold off on the kids thing til you see an entire delivery, HAO," Becky suggests once the pain passes.
        "You might have a point. Also I should probably get Dave a hand brace," Heather replies, shaking put her hand once Becky releases it. 'If my hand isn't broken by the end of this it'll be a win,' Heather thinks. Both women laugh at the comment before Becky turns serious.
        "Thank you for being here, not just now but everytime I've needed you," Becky offers, her eyes convey the depth of her gratitude to the other woman.
        "Always, Becks."
        "Zola!" Ella calls out, seeing the familiar figure enter the waiting room. She hops down off of the chair and flings herself into his waiting arms.
       "Oh, thank God you're ok," Zola lets out in relief, giving the girl a once over once they separate. His heart had dropped when he heard saw the news about what happened. The worry only increased when he got the call from Heather about Becky. He kneels down to Ella's height and his hands reach up to hold her face. "Your momma and sister are going to be fine, sweetheart. Can you do me a favor and stay with your aunts while I go see them?" Zola assures from his crouched position. Ella nods her head. "Thank you guys for staying with her," Zola offers before rushing off the find out where exactly his girlfriend is. He prays he isn't too late and that both Becky and the baby are okay.
        "I like him," Ashlyn states as they watch his figure retreat down one of the hospital corridors. The rest of the team nod their heads in agreement.
        "I love him," Ella informs as her head falls to rest on Ali's lap. She misses the surprised looks sent between her aunts.

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