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     "Here give me that," Zola instructs as he takes the large box out of Becky's hands.  Her face gives away the exhaustion she's trying to hide. "Still can't sleep, huh?" Zola asks as they sit down on the stools that had been placed at the kitchen counter. Boxes surround them. The house looks as though a bomb went off and there's still more to bring in.
        "Yeah, hopefully, I can get some here," Becky replies with a yawn. Her eyes droop a little then. It's the first time she has sat down all day and the secession of movement causes it to catch up with her.
        "Why don't you go lay down? I'll make sure either me or Tobin or Kling keep and eye on Ella. By the time you wake up, everything will be in the house and you'll be ready to unpack some things," Zola suggests. His arm raises to rub her shoulder. He's relieved that Becky agreed to move out here. Now he can make sure she's taking care of herself and Shawn isn't bothering her.  Sure, they aren't living together, but a couple of streets is better than a couple of states.
         "Ok, yeah, that sounds like a good idea," Becky agrees. She makes her way to the stairs. The path is essentially an obstacle course. Becky has the climb over a series of boxes before she finally makes it to the stairs. By the time she gets to her new bedroom, she's even more grateful for choosing to take a nap.
         "Hey Becks," Meghan calls out as she enters the house with a box. Her eyes scan the room and are surprised to not find the blonde.
         "I made Becky go to bed," Zola explains as he helps grab a heavy box one of the movers is struggling with.
         "That's probably good. She looked like she was going to fall asleep on the spot," Meghan replies. She's impressed that Zola managed to convince her to do that.  Their dynamic intrigues her. The relationship is an entire turn around from Becky's previous one. Kling isn't sure if they are actually dating or have been on a real date but they act like a real couple.  Ella enters the house breaking up any thoughts Meghan was having.
         "Aunt Klingy, Zo, are we done yet? Why do we have to have so much stuff?" Ella questions. Moving had been fun for the first hour, maybe, but now she was completely over it.
         "Not quite, kiddo. Why don't you see if Meghan will take you for ice cream," Zola suggests after seeing the little blonde's face fall at the news.  Zola can't stand to see the look on her face; he knows he's in for it in the future.
          "Com'on El, I know a great place not far from here," Kling offers after hearing Zola's suggestion.  She tries to keep the smile that spreads across her face to herself. The interaction makes her happy. She's never seen Shawn act that way with his own daughter but here was basically a stranger caring for her. Ella looks briefly at Zola then immediately grabs Kling's hand and runs out the door.
           "Don't worry, Zo. I'll bring you back your favorite!" Ella shouts behind her as they go.

            Zola and Becky sit on the couch in her newly organized living room.  There are still boxes scattered around but for the most part it's unpacked. They had taken a break when Ella fell asleep with her head in one of the boxes. Zola had picked up the little girl and carried her to her new room without a second thought. Becky followed close behind to tuck Ella in. That's how they ended up on the couch avoiding doing any more unpacking. Becky reaches out to go through one of the boxes but Zola grabs her hand instead.
          "Just leave it til tomorrow. You still look exhausted," Zola orders. His voice holds a tinge of worry. Becky had taken a nap for a couple hours earlier but the darkness under her eyes didn't go away. It makes Zola wonder how long it's been since she's actually slept well.
         "You're probably right," Becky concedes with a yawn. She could fall asleep right there. Past experiences tell her that the sleep wouldn't last very long. Nightmares or thoughts of Shawn being in the house would soon wake her up.
         "Well, I'm going to go then. Sleep well, Reebs," Zola reluctantly states. He gives Becky's hand a squeeze and then begins to get up from the couch. He's surprised when Becky doesn't let go and pulls him backward. She typically doesn't initiate the small gestures that happen between the two.
        "Stay, it's late and...you should stay, please," Becky requests. She's surprised by her own boldness. Zola seems more surprised than her.
        "Reebs, I don't know if that's a good idea. We haven't even had a real date yet," Zola manages to say. It took all the willpower in him to say no to Becky.
        "Zo, I promise we will go on a real date but this is just sleeping. Please, stay," Becky responds. She's secretly afraid of being in the house by herself. In the back of her mind, she knows Shawn is probably furious with her for moving. Zola being there might let her get a little sleep.
        "Fine," Zola replies tugging Becky up as he concedes. He knows he's in trouble with these two blondes. Becky takes the lead. Their hands remain connected the whole way. They both fall into bed, too exhausted to change. Becky gets the best nights sleep she's had in months.

Ella Maeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें