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  "Becky?" Tobin asks as she knocks and opens the door to her captain's room.
  "Yeah Tobs, what's up?" The blonde replies as she turns from her previous focus.  Two bags lay open on the bed with clothes neatly refolded in them.
  "You're leaving?"
  "Yeah, the trainers want to be careful with my ribs so the new injury policy says i have to home," becky replies seriously but tobin can see the nervousness in her eyes.
  "You can't go back there, becks" Tobin attempts to order but it comes out more like a plea.
  "Look Tobin, I know what happened with El earlier and you are lucky i'm not yelling at you guys.," Becky states curtly, clearly upset with her teammates actions.
  "We needed to know what's going on, Becky. The team wasnt wrong for wanting to help you!" Tobin all but shouts furiously at the older women.
  "Look, it's not any of your business." Becky replies coolly as she grabs the bags off the bed and brushes past her.
  "What are we going to to do?" Julie asks as she paces around her hotel room.
  "Im calling Hao, maybe she'll talk some sense into her before she leaves tonight." Ali states as she grabs her phone.  It rings twice before Heather picks up.
  "What's up guys?" Hao says as she surveys the hotel room through her laptop screen.
  "Becky's going back home to Shawn. You need to talk some sense into her." Tobin informs, still clearly upset because of her previous conversation with the blonde.
  "Guys, chill, she isn't stupid and she knows whats best for her and ella," Hao assures.
  "Clearly she doesn't if shes going back," Julie says as she momentarily stops pacing
  "Look, this really isn't my place to say but shes not going back to him," the midfielder explains, "they're staying with Barnie until things get settled."
  "How do you know that?" All three women ask.
  "Becky has been giving me stuff to give to her lawyer," Hao admits,  "Shes divorcing him."
  "What kind of stuff?" Ali asks noticing the way heather said the word "stuff".  She's clearly bothered by whatever it is.
  "Uh, she, uh needs proof of, um, the abuse, so she's been sending me medical records and contacts to speak with." Heather explains uncomfortably.
  "Oh, how bad are they?" Julie asks connecting the dots as to why that would make Heather uncomfortable.
  "Bad, from what i can tell they're from atleast since she's been with the team." HAO replies and adds, "I think maybe since the WPS cause she told me to give her lawyer Ella Masar's number and the last time they played together was Magic Jack"
   "That's atleast since Ella has been alive!" Ali flips as she does the math in her head.  It's then that Christen pops her head into the room.  She tells them that they need to head to do press.  The media day had been scheduled for months now.
    The whole team gathers in the ballroom of the hotel.  They're spread out amongst various reporters.  Typical questions are being asked until one reporter.
   "Hi, Becky, would you be willing to comment on your recent divorce filling?"  The man asks causing the entire room to go silent.  Some teammates that know what's going on stare worridly at the scene while those who had no idea look shocked.
   "Um, I can't actually comment on it at this time." Becky replies fairly confident.
   "Well, can you atleast confirm that there is a restraining order on file?" The reporter persists.  He clearly wants to get some info out of her. His question crosses the line for the majority of her teammates. Even the ones who don't know whats happening are uncomfortable with it.
   "Yes there is one on file.  Thank you for your questions but I think I'm done for the day," Becky says and quickly tries to maneuver her way out of the room.  She knows that her comments are only fuel to the rapidly growing fire.

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