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   "You're doing so good, Becks," Heather encourages as a heavy contraction passes. Becky merely whimpers as her head falls back to rest on the pillows behind her. The blonde knows it's almost over. Despite the pain, she wants Zola to be here before it's over.
       "Reebs," Zola breathes as his eyes fall on the blonde. Relief floods over him at the sight. He immediately rushes to her side.
         "You're here," Becky lets out in relief. Zola places a kiss to sweaty forehead. An unsaid conversation passes between them as Zola rests his forehead against hers. Only when Heather clears her throat and another contraction hits do they break apart.
         The doctor encourages Becky to start pushing at this point. Both Heather and Zola give encouraging words to the blonde. He brushes back her hair in an effort to soothe some of the pain she must be feeling. Not five minutes later, the baby is born. A flurry of nurses and the doctor wisk her to a side table. All three of them hold their breath as the baby doesn't immediately cry.
        "Oh, thank god," Becky says as tiny wails begin to fill the room. The doctor and nurses start to prepare to take the baby to the NICU. She needs care as soon as possible due to being premature. "Hey, go with her," Becky instructs as her hand catches Zola's arm. She knows they won't let her leave so soon after giving birth. Her eyes plead with him to do as she asks. "Please."
       "Ok,...I love you," Zola reluctantly agrees. He truly wants to be with his daughter but he's also worried about Becky. He leans down to give her a brief kiss before he has to go.
      "I love you, too," Becky returns, watching his form begin to retreat out of the room. Her eyes fill with tears as soon as he's gone.
      "Hey, hey, Becks. Shh, she's going to be fine," Heather soothes, seeing how distraught her friend is. She doesn't quite understand why they wouldn't even let Becky hold the baby briefly. The blonde nods at Heather's words and attempts to pull herself together. All of her anxiety from earlier and current worry seem to be culminating all at once.
      I did...i didn't get to tell you her name," Becky attempts to get out. Ragged breathing still shakes her body. She gives Heather's hand a squeeze before looking up at her. "It's, uh, Virginia Ann," Becky informs. A smile graces her lips as she does so. "You're not her godmother, though. Sorry, Kelley might have killed me if you got to be hers and Ella's," Becky adds with a laugh.
      "No way. Really, Becks?" Heather asks in disbelief. Her arms immediately come down to embrace the blonde. "We don't have to tell Kelley that I was first choice. I'll always know in my heart," Heather jokes as they separate. Her smile turns to a frown when she sees Becky's face fall again. "Why don't I go get, El?" Heather offers, wanting to make this situation a little better. She can't imagine what turmoil the blonde is going through. "A momma should get to hold atleast one of her babies," Heather adds, waiting for Becky's response.
      "Yeah, that'd be good. Thank you, Heather," Becky replies gratefully. At her response Heather immediately leaves the room to go find Ella.
        "Heather," questions Kelley, seriously. Heather has stopped at the beginning of the waiting room. She doesn't say anything. The look on the brunette's face is worrying all of them. They expected that Heather would be excitedly telling them what happened.
        "Is Ella asleep," Heather answers the question with one of her own.
        "Yeah, but what's going on?" Ali asks shifting slightly. She subconsciously begins rubbing Ella's back in an act of comfort without even knowing if the girl needs it.
       "They, uh, took the baby away to the NICU so, uh, Zola went with her," Heather explains. She's clearly unsure. "They didn't let her hold the baby and, uh, she's not allowed to go see her yet either."
       "Ok," Ashlyn replies as she begins to stand. She knows what needs to be done before Heather even continues. Ash leans down to scoop the girl up from her girlfriend's lap and turns to Heather. "Which room?"
       Heather just gestures for Ashlyn to follow her. The rest of the team is left to wonder how they're supposed to help their captain right now. When they reach the room Ashlyn immediately carries Ella directly to Becky. She gently places the girl on the bed next to her mom.
      "Congratulations, momma," Ashlyn offers as her hand gives Becky's shoulder a squeeze. Her words are said in a determined manner. Ashlyn believes with her whole heart everything will be fine. It has to be.
      "Thank you," Becky whispers. Both Heather and Ashlyn leave the room in hopes that Becky can get some rest now that she can hold one of her daughter's. The blonde's hand raises to card through Ella's hair. She can't help but think about how different she envisioned this moment would be.
     "Momma? Am I a big sister," Ella asks tiredly. She doesn't even try to open her eyes but instead turns herself so that she can snuggle into her mom's side.
    "Yeah, you are El," Becky replies smiling.
    "Good, now go to sleep with me," Ella instructs with as much authority a half asleep seven year old can muster. Becky laughs but tries to do as Ella orders. The seven year old has a serious protective streak when it comes to her momma. If Becky doesn't follow orders she'll have to deal with a very annoyed little blonde.

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