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"Ella?" Kelley calls out as she spots the little blonde in the
hallway. She had been woken up by the sound of knocking and crying. Kelley decided to check it out, knowing only people from the team were on their floor.
"Auntie Kel!" Ella lets out as she clings to her aunt's legs. The adrenaline from fear finally leaves her body causing her tiny frame to shake.
"El, what's going on?" Kelley questions the girl as she ushers into her and Emily Sonnet's hotel room. "Where's your mom?"
"We...we're havin' a sleep over cause...cuz my dad is here...with Momma," Ella explains as best she can between ragged breaths and sobs.
"You're Dad is here?" Emily asks from her bed, having woken up from the commotion. She sends a look of pure terror to Kelley at the thought of Shawn being here with Becky. Ella nods in response to the question as tears keep falling down her face.
"Oh, god, I need to go get help," Kelley states as she starts for the door. "Stay here with Ella, Em."
"Noo! Don't leave me!" Ella nearly screams as she flings herself into Kelley' s legs. She goes into full blown hysterics as her arms cling around Kelley' s legs.
"Ok, ok, sweetheart I won't leave," Kelley soothes as she picks up the blonde. "You need to try and breath, ok?" Ella nods as she tries to do what her aunt is asking. "I'm going to call some people to help your mom." Emily sends Kelley a sympathetic look and offers to make the call. Kelley sends her a grateful look in return and continues calming her niece down. After a while exhaustion overcomes Ella' s tiny frame and she succumbs to sleep.

"Alyssa, what's going on?" Ashlyn repeats as the other goalkeeper throws her shoes on.
"I don't really know, but we have to get to Becky's room, so throw some shoes on and let's go," Alyssa replies authoritatively. Worry exudes from her as she rushes Ashlyn out of the room and sprints down the hall. Ashlyn reaches the door first and gives Alyssa a look to ask if she should try to open it. Alyssa nods and the duo slowly open it. They see pieces of glass from a mirror scattered across the floor of the entryway. Sounds of two things colliding together can distinctly be heard. As they round the corner, they spot Shawn on top of Becky. He's hitting her relentlessly but suddenly stops when he realizes someone else is there. Ash manages to tackle him to the ground and apprehend him. Alyssa chooses to check on Becky. At first she's not sure if the defender is even still alive. Her face has already started to swell and her breathing extremely shallow. Alyssa fears she may stop breathing. The first responders that Emily had called arrive then and take Shawn away. Alyssa rides in the ambulance with Becky while Ashlyn goes to inform Dawn and Jill about what happened before going to the hospital as well.
"How is she?" Julie asks in concern. A group of the team had gathered outside Kelley and Emily's hotel room just outside of where the little she in question sleeps. Ashlyn and Alyssa have just recently returned from the hospital with Becky. Christen and Tobin are taking their turns currently.
"She's not great. She woke up with nightmares a lot," offers Emily from the edge of the group. As much as she love Ella, her experience with kids is limited, even more so in this kind of situation.
"She can't see Becky," Ash states firmly with a haunted look. Alyssa shakes her head in agreement from the side of Ash, her face just as haunted.
"So, what are we gonna tell her?" Ali asks, only wanting to do what was best for her niece.
"I can't see Momma?" Ella interrupts from the doorway. No one had noticed that the little girl woke up or moved towards them.
"Just for a little while," Kelley tries to explain in a way that the 6 year old can understand. At the sight of tears, Kelley tries to comfort her.
"No, Auntie Kel, I want Aunt Hao," Ella says stonily. Her tears disappearing as she shrugs away from Kelley' s embrace.
"Ok, El Bell, we'll call her," Ali offers as she manages to embrace the girl before she runs off. Ali sends a sympathetic look Kelley's way as she sees the hurt written all over her face.

Ella MaeWhere stories live. Discover now