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It's been a month since Virginia and Becky returned to Portland. The small family seems to be settling in to a regular routine. This includes Zola taking Ella to her games sometimes so that Becky can start to train again.
    "Zola, it hurts so much," Ella cries out as the man kneels next to her on the field. Their afternoon had been running smoothly until the second half of the seven year old's game. Per usual, some of the opposing players had tried to take advantage of Ella's size only this time they'd been too rough.
     "I know, El, but we're going to get to the hospital and it'll stop soon," Zola assures as he holds one of the girl's hands.  His eyes fall to the awkward angle of her other arm that EMTs are working on.
     "Ok,..." Ella replies through sniffles. She's trying to get herself under control.  Her aunts barely ever cry when they get hurt during a game so neither should she.  The girl's resolution holds the entire way to the hosptial. It's not until she's whisked away with words about surgery in the air that her strength fades.
      "Surgery," Zola asks worriedly. Ella's calls for him echo through the halls. They'll definitely replay in his head for a long time to come.
      "I'm sorry but I can't actually tell you anything because she's a minor. You're going to have to stay out here. We can't do anything besides assessment until a guardian is here," the doctor explains. He quickly walks off in the direction that Ella had been taken, leaving a visibly annoyed Zola behind.
       Zola can't believe that the doctor won't even let him in the room with Ella.  His worry and annoyance boil into anger as he calls Becky to let her know what's going on.  She assures him she'll be there shortly.
       "Becky," Zola calls out once he catches a glimpse of her blonde hair 10 minutes later.  She immediately goes to him with a sleeping Virginia in her arms. "They won't let me see her or tell me anything."
       "Ok, Z, I'm here now. We'll figure this out. I'm sure she's fine. Kids break their arms all the time," Becky attempts to pacify, seeing the worry in the man in front of her.
      "You don't get it," Zola retorts as his anger zeroes in on the person in front of him.  "I'm nothing. They're telling me that I'm nothing to her. Do you get what it feels like to be told that, Becky? That you're nothing," he proceeds.
       "Actually, I do," Becky informs hauntedly. It seems to her that Zola has momentarily forgotten who they truly are. "I get that you're upset..." the blonde begins.
      "I'm more than upset," Zola interrupts, failing to see any reason at the moment. Seeing Ella hurt seems to have flipped a switch in him that he can't quite control.  "I need to be in Ella's paperwork, either by adoption or us getting married. I need something solid," he demands.
       "So, you're telling me that I have to marry you in order to make this over reaction you're having better? Cause we both know that adoption involves court and the consent of her father who has yet to have his rights terminated. We also both know that he will never agree to that," Becky replies as her patience completely wears out.  Her anger and annoyance are clearly written on her face. "Look, I'm going to go see MY daughter while you sit here and feel sorry for yourself that a situation wasn't handled properly. Take the time to plan out everything else that I NEED to do why don't you," the blonde adds bitingly before turning away with Virginia still tucked into her chest. Luckily the tense conversation between adults hadn't caused her to wake. Becky immediately turns off all thoughts of her previous conversation and turns into mom mode upon entering Ella's room.  Her kids will always come first.
      "You screwed up," Heather states tersely through the phone.
      "Hello to you too, Hao. How've you been," Zola retorts back quickly. His shoulders are tense from the words spoken by the woman. The last thing he needs is someone telling him what he already knows.
       "I'm serious, Zola. Do you realize what you're doing to her? Have you ever thought about why she doesn't want to get married," Heather lectured. His lack of response only spurs her on further. "You're trying to force her into things. How do you think her and Shawn got together? Huh? Jesus, Zola, you're lucky that I like you cause if it were anyone else I'd have Becky end things. She doesn't need another jackass in her life," the brunette informs with finality.  She hears the sighs through the phone, letting her know she seems to have gotten through atleast a little to the man on the other end.
        "Damn it, I really messed up. How do I fix this?" Zola questions as the reality of the situation sinks in.  His hand comes to rest on the bridge of his nose in an attempt to relieve some of the pressure building in his skull.  He can't quite figure out how he managed to screw up so badly. Becky hasn't spoken to him since they returned home from the hospital.
        "That's your problem to solve and you better figure it out soon.  I'm not sure Becky has the patience that she used to," Heather explains before ending the phone call with a goodbye. She feels a little bad for her words because she knows that Zola is a good guy.  Her remorse falters though as she thinks about her earlier call with Becky.  The blonde was definitely going to make this hard for Zola to fix.
         Zola sighs as he hangs up the phone with Heather.  He has no clue what to do. The time on his wrist catches his eye as he realizes just how late it's gotten.  He decides to try and talk to Becky now. Maybe he'll even get to sleep upstairs if things go well.  His ascent upstairs is determined. He only falters upon seeing that Becky is already settled with a book and the side lamp on. It's apparent to him that she's been waiting.
         "Reebs, I'm...," Zola begins but the look on the blonde's face makes him regret his word choice.
         "Oh, so I'm 'Reebs' now, huh," Becky interrupts in disbelief.  "Look, I'm really tired. Stay here. Don't stay here. I really don't care at this point," she says coldly despite the exhaustion that is present in her voice.  She sets her book down with her glasses. As she settles in the blonde makes sure to roll to the side away from where Zola may sleep.
        "Ok," Zola manages to let out. He resolves to stay, determining that he may send the wrong message if he leaves.  Somewhere in the back of his mind he remembers something Becky had once told him.  She had mentioned that Shawn always stormed off after fights.  Zola doesn't want to copy those actions. He can't pretend it doesn't hurt though when he finally climbs into bed and Becky automatically moves further away.  Zola closes his eyes and silently prays that he'll be able to fix this.

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