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"Becky, you doing ok?" Kelley asks taking a good look at the blonde. The centerback's face is as white as a ghost with a tinge of green. It surprises Kelley because she didn't think the blonde would be that out of shape. Sure, fitness testing sucks but Becky looks like she's going to lose her lunch.
"Uh, yeah, I'm fine," Becky says in between deep breaths. She's hoping focusing on her breathing will help lessen the nausea.
"You don't look fine," Ali comments from the other side of the blonde. Her and Kelley have kept a close eye on the blonde since everything that went down with Shawn. Neither want to miss something going on with her like they had before. They're worried she won't confide in them like she did with Heather.
"I swear," Becky promises before waving off Ali's and Kelley's hands on her shoulders. She walks over to where the rest of the team has lined up for the next test. The breathing must of helped because she feels a little bit better or atleast that's what she tells herself.
By some miracle Becky makes it through the entire practice. The nausea seems to have passed but exhaustion is setting in. She credits it to all the fitness testing. When she gets back to the hotel she immediately lays down. The weight session later might kill her if she doesn't.
"Becks, we gotta get ready for practice," Sam explains as she grabs the sleeping woman's shoulder. The action causes Becky to immediately flinch before she realizes where she is. "Sorry Becky, I forgot," Sam apologizes after seeing her roommate's adverse reaction. She'd forgotten that Becky doesn't like being touched unexpectedly.
"No, it's okay, Sammy. Thanks for waking me up," Becky replies, trying to reassure the younger woman. She really does appreciate Sam looking out for her. The last thing she needs is to be late to practice and have Kelley and Ali on her back about it.
The duo make their way to the bus after grabbing their bags. Becky feels the critical eyes of both Kelley and Ali as she gets on the bus. She makes sure to sit a few rows away and put headphones in. 'I just need to make it through this practice,' Becky thinks to herself. She still feels lingering exhaustion and nausea from before. The blonde prays that she'll feel better tomorrow.
Her prayers go unanswered though. The next morning she wakes to the immediate urge to vomit. That's how Sam ends up finding her with her head leaning against the bathtub half an hour later. Her face looks completely drained.
"Hey, are you ok? Do I need to get Dawn?" Sam questions worriedly. She's not sure how long Becky has been throwing up; the older woman looks awful.
"No, don't get Dawn. I'm...," Becky begins but her stomach betrays her. The sensation causes her head to return the toilet. Sam stands by awkwardly unsure of how to help. "Fine. It's probably just a bug from Ella's school," Becky continues moments after she finishes throwing up. She tries to stand then but has to grab onto the sink to steady herself. She waits until the spinning stops before grabbing her tooth brush and using it.
"I guess," Sam replies uncertainly. Her gut tells her that she should get someone but she doesn't want to betray Becky's trust. She stands aside to allow Becky to go back into the main part of their room. The older blonde immediately lays back down. "Do you want me to bring you something from breakfast," Sam offers looking down at the time on her watch. She knows Becky isn't going to go to breakfast but maybe she'll want something small to eat. Becky just shakes her head. Her eyes remain closed the whole time and Sam can tell she's battling nausea from the action. Sam resolves to head to breakfast and let someone know what's going on.
"Hey Sammy," Ali greets happily upon seeing the tall blonde. "Where's Becky?"
"Oh, she's, uh, sick but she doesn't want me to tell Dawn," Sam explains worriedly. She's thankful that Ali asked because then she's not betraying Becky's trust. Sam knows Ali won't take Becky's stubbornness.
"I knew something was up," Ali sighs setting her plate down. She decides to go and see how the blonde is for herself before involving Dawn or the medical staff. Sam easily offers her keycard to Ali when she asks.
This allows Ali to be inside the hotel room not five minutes later. She's surprised when she doesn't find Becky asleep on either of the beds. The flushing of the toilet clues her in to where the room's occupant is.
"Jesus Becky, you really need someone to look at you. How long have you been vomitting?" Ali questions. Her tone is reprimanding but Becky hears the underlying concern. The sight of Becky really worries her. The blonde has deep circles under her eyes and her skin is obviously clammy.
"Only for like an hour and I don't need to be seen," Becky replies indignantly. She leans back against the bathtub. The cool porcelain makes her shiver slightly.
"An hour's a long time. I really think you should be seen by someone. They could probably give you something for the stomach flu," Ali attempts. She's not going to take no for an answer. The darker haired woman makes her way over to the blonde and crouches down next to her. She sticks her hand to the other woman's forehead before she has a chance to react. The lack of warmth relieves Ali but she's still concerned.
"I...i think I screwed up, Al," Becky admits as Ali sits herself down next to the blonde on the bathroom floor.
"What do you mean? Everyone gets the stomach flu at some point. You can't really blame yourself," Ali states in confusion. She has no idea what the blonde is talking about. 'Maybe she does have a fever,' Ali thinks for an explanation as to why the blonde is saying that.
"I don't think it's the flu. I really screwed up, Alz," Becky lets out as tears form in her eyes. Her head hangs as Ali wraps an arm around the other woman.
"What are you...oh,...oh Becky, are you...are you pregnant?" Ali asks cautiously. The idea dawns on her as she tries to decifer what the blonde is saying. Becky shakes her head in confirmation as she starts crying harder. She had been feeling weird for a couple weeks. On a whim she took a test right before leaving for camp.
"He's going to hate me," Becky gasps out in between tears. She can't believe that she's going to be the reason Ella loses such a great role model. The blonde refuses to think about how hurt she personally will be.
"Becky, do you really think that?" Ali inquires in disbelief. The blonde can't really think that. Becky merely nods. "Oh, sweetie, he's not going to hate you. That man loves you, hun. Real love, not that shit Shawn told you love was," Ali assures. Her heart breaks at how unsure Becky is. She's glad Zola has gotten the chance to beat the other man up because she, herself, still wants to take a swing.
"He didn't ask for this. We haven't been together all that long," Becky replies between hiccups. Her body still shakes with sobs.
"Shh, Becks, Zola's going to be so excited. You gotta calm down. This isn't good for you or the baby," Ali soothes while rubbing the other woman's back. Becky tries her best to follow Ali's orders. She knows Ali has a point. "Hey, it's all going to work out. Zola will be excited and you're going to make it back before the world cup. You deserve to have this happiness," Ali comments seriously. She knows that the blonde's duties as captain and her desire to keep playing are probably weighing on her as well.
"Thank you, Ali," Becky offers gratefully. Her breathing has finally calmed down. The episode has left her exhausted.
"You're going to have to tell Jill and she's going to make you go home," Ali adds cautiously. She's not sure if Becky is ready to take this on quite yet. Becky nods in return. The two get up shortly after. Ali offers Becky a hand to help her up. She rubs Becky's arm reassuringly as they head out of the hotel room. It's time for Becky to face the truth.

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