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"What's up, Reebs," Zola asks after Becky sighs next to him for possibly the tenth time. They both sit curled up on the couch. Becky flops her book down on the table while Zola sends her a somewhat amused glance.
"I'm so bored, Zo. I think I'm going to go stir crazy. If I buy any more books we aren't going to have money for food," Becky complains her hand coming to rest on her 6 month old baby bump. The inactivity at this stage in the pregnancy is starting to get to her.
"Don't look at me, babe. I refuse to play any video games with you until atleast a couple months after the baby comes. Before you were pregnant you spiked a controller. Last time we played when you were pregnant you did that plus cried for 45 minutes," Zola wisely decides. He's not getting in a fight with his pregnant girlfriend. The wrath of a regular Becky Sauerbrunn is enough for him.
"Fineee, I need to do something though," Becky replies with an eyeroll. Deep down she knows he's probably right.
"Why don't you take Ella and go see the team play in Los Angeles?" Zola suggests, seeing that Becky will try to drive him insane if he doesn't think of something.
"That's a great idea," Becky concludes, quickly giving Zola a kiss before going off to find her laptop to plan. Zola merely shakes his head at her actions and tries to enjoy the brief break in his girlfriend's boredom.
The mother and daughter end up on a flight the following evening. The timing worked out because Ella had a break from school. By chance Heather was in the states at the same time. A few calls between the friends and the three of them find themselves a hotel on short notice. U.S. provided them with tickets for the game the next day.
"This is so weird," Becky comments as they take their seats in the box.
"Yeah, I'm still not used to it," Heather responds, knowing Becky means watching the team play. "So scale 1-10 how shaky do you think the defense will be?"
"I want and hope that it's going to be a 3 but it's probably gonna be a 6," Becky admits. She wanted them to play well, but, honestly, Jill's backline choices of late have been terrible. Heather laughs at Becky's determination before turning her attention to the game. Ella's glued to the glass paneling, ready to see her aunts kick some butt.
After the game concludes, a U.S. soccer rep comes to get them. They've been invited to join the team post game on the field. Ella immediately sprints to Ashlyn, wanting to play against her in goal. Heather and Becky join in with some of the team's conversations. A loud pop pulls the group's attention.
"What was that?" Kelley says, asking the question on everyone's mind. No one has a chance to reply because her words are followed by consecutive pops and screaming. Security immediately guides them towards the locker room. One of the men forces Becky to continue ahead eventhough she's trying to catch up with Ella. Panic fills every player as they're ushered into the locker room. The door closes firmly behind the last person.
Becky's eyes scan the room. The pace of her breathing increases when she doesn't see Ella right away. "Where's Ella?" Becky asks, panicking. She'd lost sight of her on the way into the room. Heather and Kelley notice her panic immediately. Their own worry heightens as Becky's enlarged stomach reminds them of her current condition.
"She was with Ashlyn" Ali offers, searching the room for her girlfriend. "They aren't in here," Ali adds after no one finds them in the crowded room. A sinking feeling enters the pit of her stomach.
"Oh, god," Becky lets out in a panic. Tears prick the corners of her eyes. Ali looks just as panicked but she pushes it aside for Becky. Her and the entire team's attention is turned to contacting someone to find out where Ella is.
"Hey, everything's gonna be fine, momma. You need just need to sit down and relax," Kelley instructs, bringing the blonde to sit on one of the benches. Becky tries to swallow down the fear she feels and listen to Kelley.
The door to the locker room swings open minutes later. Ashlyn, Ella, and a security guard walk through it.
"Momma!" Ella shouts as she races over to Becky. Her arms immediately cling to her mom. Shakes from fear overpower her tiny frame.
"Shhh, El, it's okay," Becky soothes, wrapping her arms around the girl. She pushes down all of her anxiety for the moment.
"What's going on?" Ella asks as another pop sounds. The sound causes her to burrow further into her mother's side.
"I don't know, El," Becky responds uncertainly. She schools her features to stop herself from scaring the little girl. The pops had finally stopped but no one has come to get them yet. Her hand raises to where a pain radiates in her side. It's been there since the first pop. Becky attempts to hide it but Heather notices.
"What's wrong? Are you okay? You aren't hurt, are you?" Heather immediately interrogates, seeing Becky's discomfort. No one had taken the time to assess whether any of the players had been hurt. Heather's panicked words turn everyone's attention to the blonde. It's impressive how much worry can be held in a room full of women.
"I'm fine, Heather. Just some kicks," Becky assures, lying through her teeth. No one quite believes her but they decide to leave it, not wanting to scare the 7 year old next to her further. Minutes pass before anyone alerts them that it's safe to leave. The room begins to clear just as Becky moves to stand. Her movement stops half way up as the pain from earlier washes over her again.
"Oh, my god. You're going into labor," Heather exclaims worriedly as she sees her friend's pain stricken face.
"No, I'm...," Becky begins but the pain flares up again. "Fine," the blonde finishes finally able to fully stand. A small crowd has grown around the mother and daughter.
"No you're not. Those are contractions and they're fairly close together. You need to go to the hospital," Ali states firmly. She wraps her arm around one of Becky's while Heather flanks the other side.
"Nope. This isn't happening, I'm not having another baby early," Becky disputes. Everyone around her sees the guilt cross her face as she speaks.
"Nuh uh, you are going. I will not have you pretending you're fine because of some misplaced guilt you feel. My niece or nephew needs to be seen by someone," Heather commands, pulling the blonde towards the door. Ali picks up Ella and follows the trio out of the room. She sends a silent prayer to whoever is listening that this baby will be ok.

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