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"Shh, I got you," Zola assures as his arms gather Becky further into his chest.  Her body shakes with tremors of fear and sobs.  He'd been woken by the shifting of the bed beside him.  Becky was thrashing in an attempt to battle against whatever was terrorizing her in her dreams.  "Do you wanna talk about it," Zola questions gently as he feels her rapid heart beat decrease a bit.
   "No," Becky manages between gulps for air. Her heartrate may have decreased but sobs were still over powering her body.
   "Ok," Zola let's out, slightly disappointed by the blonde's response. She's normally extremely open with him about this sort of thing. The events of the previous day come rushing back to him, allowing him to understand his girlfriend's actions.
      "I'm going to check on Ella," Becky informs, peeling herself out of Zola's hold.  Her path to the door is slightly sidetracked to V's crib inorder to check on her as well.  Dark eyes full of concern watch carefully until she's out of sight.  Becky breathes a sigh of relief once her eyes fall on Ella's sleeping form.  She needed a confirmation that both of her daughters were okay.
      "Momma," Ella questions as she feels a pair of arms wrap around her.
      "Yeah, Ella, it's me," Becky confirms with a hum. Her body seems to be melting into Ella's bed the longer she lays there.
      "Ok," Ella murmurs before snuggling into her mom and falling back asleep. She's completely unaware of anything happening between the adults in her life.
       Zola enters the room 10 minutes later. His worry had only heightened when Becky didn't return to the room.  As relieved as he is to find Becky asleep in Ella's bed, he's still hurt and frustrated by the situation.  He walks defeatedly back to the room after assuring that everything was okay in the seven year old's room.

      The next morning Ella walks to the kitchen barely remembering the previous night's events.  She finds Becky already up and making breakfast.  The smell brings her small frame to an abrupt halt.
     "Do you want two banana pancakes, El," Becky questions gesturing to the plate next to her.
      "Do you want banana pancakes," Becky asks as a four year old Ella patters into the kitchen.  Ella vigorously shakes her head.  She has yet to makes the connection as to why they only have pancakes on certain days.
       "Momma, your face," Ella let's out in surprise.  She only realizes that her Momma has bruises as Becky sets her plate down.
       "I'm okay, El," Becky assures emptily as she returns to cleaning up any mess and making sure things are ready for the day.
       "El, hey, I asked you a question," Becky states worriedly. The seven year old has yet to answer her and seems off in her own little world.
       "Yeah, Momma," Ella finally answers with a sigh.  Her nervous tick of biting her lip comes out as she climbs up on one of the kitchen stools.  She dissects every move her mother makes.  Ella can't quite wrap her head around what she thinks happened again. She holds her breath as Zola makes his way into the room.
         "Becky, can we talk," Zola questions quietly as he stands next to where Becky flips pancakes on the griddle.  She merely shakes her head, not wanting any emotion in her voice to tip the room's other occupant off. "Please," Zola adds after a moment.  Becky begins to turn away from him in response but he gently grabs her arm.
         "Stop it! Leave her alone!" Ella yells from her spot at the counter. Tears spill out of the corners of her eyes. Her outburst surprises both adults as neither had realized she was paying any attention to them.
        "Ella, I'm not," Zola begins to explain, but he's interrupted.
        "I'm sorry. I shouldn't of talked," Ella apologizes before running upstairs.  Zola is entirely shocked by her actions.  He's never seen the girl look so terrified in his life except for the time when Shawn broke in.
        "I think it would be best if you just left for a bit," Becky states with a sigh. She can't quite look Zola in the eye as the words come out.  "Only for a couple hours til I calm her down. I promise," Becky adds finally meeting Zola's gaze. His face reads utter devastation.  The blonde doesn't have time to wallow in her own similar feelings.  Being a mother means pushing everything aside and being strong.  Becky leaves Zola standing in the kitchen completely lost.

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