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       A month or so goes by and the nwsl season starts to come to a close.  FCKC will finish out the season with a game against Sky Blue.  Ella is estactic knowing that she'll see Reece and Rylie.
         "Auntie Kel!" Ella shouts seconds after the final whistle blows.  She needs to talk with her aunt before coercing her mom into a sleepover at Aunt Pearcie's.
         "Hey, El, how's first grade?" Kelley asks genuinely interested in what her niece has to say.
         "Really good! We read loads of books!" Ella replies excitedly.  Her face turns serious when she remembers what she wanted to talk   to her aunt about.  "Momma's been weird.  She won't leave the house unless she has to," Ella explains as best she can.  She's worried that something happened with her dad.  The little girl has occasionally recognized him in a crowd when at games or traveling with her momma.
         "Oh, El, don't be worried okay? I'm sure your mom is fine.  I'll talk to her or have Heather, okay?" Kelley offers pretending that she isn't just as worried as the 6 year old.  Ella nods her head before running off to find Reece.  The two are pretty good buddies considering how close they are in age.
         "Good game, Becks," Kelley offers as they pass to shake hands.  "Can we talk,...later?" She adds in a quieter voice.  Becky nods her head but a look of confusion passes across her face.  She doesn't have much time to dwell on it though because Rylie Rampone approaches her then.
         "Hi Becky, Reece and Ella want to know if they can have a sleepover at our house," Rylie requests for her sister and 'cousin'. She really doesn't want them to be disappointed. Rylie is old enough to know that Ella's been through a lot this past year.  She understands the separation because of her own parent's divorce. She may have listened in on some conversations between her mom and Abby, but all she was able to understand was that Shawn had done something a husband or father should never do.
         "Uh, yeah, sure, as long as your mom is ok with it and you don't mind having those two hellions spend the night," Becky jokes back.  She realizes that Rylie has grown a lot since she last saw her, both physically and mentally.  The way Rylie had been looking at her in genuine concern led to the realization.  Becky only ever sees that look from her teammates or other close adults. When Rylie hears her reply she smiles and runs over to tell the two younger kids.
        "So, Ella told me that you don't leave the house much," Kelley begins when they're half way through with their dinner. She had to convince Becky to go out with just her. "Is it cause Shawn is out?"
        "Everything's fine, Kel," Becky grinds out.  Her focus is on something over Kelley's shoulder.  The intent with which she's looking makes Kelley turn around.  She immediately spots Shawn sitting at the bar behind them. 
          "Are you kidding me?! He's not allowed to be here?!" Kelley nearly shouts but Becky quickly quiets her down.  She prays that Shawn didn't see what just happened.
         "Shhh, Kelley, we need to leave right now," Becky orders when she sees that Shawn isn't paying any attention to them.  They quickly throw down enough money to pay for their bill and rush out of the restaurant before Shawn realizes what's happening.
         "Is this why you won't leave this house? You should have told someone or the cops. Jesus, Becky, he's legally not allowed near you," Kelley interrogates once they are in the car and had begun to drive for a bit.  Her hand tighten around the steering wheel to prevent herself from completely loosing it. She's a mad at Becky, but she's even more concerned about her and Ella's safety.
         "He threatened you guys, ok. I didn't have a choice," Becky explains  as she looks out the car window.  Tremors of fear run through her.  Shawn isn't going to be happy about them ditching and he will definitely know that something is amiss.
         "Becky...," Kelley says trying to get the blonde to look at her.  She sees the tears streaming down the other woman's face, but Becky refuses to look at her.  Kelley sighs when she realizes this and changes their direction.  There's only one place they can go.  At a red light she sends a text so everyone is prepared for when they get there.

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